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  1. Treatment of L5-S1 spondyloptosis with stand-alone anterior lumbar interbody fusion in a patient with neurofibromatosis
  2. Two–level reverse Bohlman transsoseous approach for treatment of symptomatic pseudarthrosis
  3. An 11-year analysis of peripheral nerve injuries in high school sports
  4. Complication rates associated with open versus percutaneous pedicle screw instrumentation among patients undergoing minimally invasive interbody fusion for adult spinal deformity
  5. Pseudogout of the cervical and thoracic spine mimicking infection after lumbar fusion: case report
  6. How to predict return to work after lumbar discectomy: answers from the NeuroPoint-SD registry
  7. Clinical and radiographic parameters associated with best versus worst clinical outcomes in minimally invasive spinal deformity surgery