All Stories

  1. Swimming performance of Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus Pallas) in an open-channel flume
  2. Effects of electric barrier on passage and physical condition of juvenile and adult rainbow trout
  3. Upper lethal temperature of larval pallid sturgeonScaphirhynchus albus(Forbes and Richardson, )
  4. Broadening the Regulated-River Management Paradigm: A Case Study of the Forgotten Dead Zone Hindering Pallid Sturgeon Recovery
  5. Population-level thermal performance of a cold-water ectotherm is linked to ontogeny and local environmental heterogeneity
  6. Thermal tolerance of meltwater stonefly Lednia tumana nymphs from an alpine stream in Waterton–Glacier International Peace Park, Montana, USA
  7. Thermal Requirements of the Bonytail ( Gila elegans ): Application to Propagation and Thermal-Regime Management of Rivers of the Colorado River Basin
  8. The effect of diet on growth and survival of first feeding pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus
  9. Determination of Upper Temperature Tolerance in June Sucker Larvae: Is the Transition to Utah Lake Temperatures a Recruitment Bottleneck?
  10. Effect of Temperature on Growth, Condition, and Survival of Juvenile Shovelnose Sturgeon
  11. Identification of plasma glucocorticoids in pallid sturgeon in response to stress
  12. Ghost Nets in the Columbia River: Methods for Locating and Removing Derelict Gill Nets in a Large River and an Assessment of Impact to White Sturgeon