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  1. Construction of Anatomical Structure-specific Developmental Dynamic Networks for Human Brain on Multiple Omics Levels
  2. A Qualitative Analysis Based on Relative Expression Orderings Identifies Transcriptional Subgroups for Alzheimer’s Disease
  3. Editorial: Systems Genetics of Alzheimer’s Disease: From GWAS to Disease Pathways
  4. Role of the Glyoxalase System in Alzheimer’s Disease
  5. SRR intronic variation inhibits expression of its neighbouring SMG6 gene and protects against temporal lobe epilepsy
  6. Association of Polymorphisms of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproducts Gene with Schizophrenia in a Han Chinese Population
  7. Association study of sepiapterin reductase gene promoter polymorphisms with schizophrenia in a Han Chinese population
  8. Association between Polymorphisms of theAKT1Gene Promoter and Risk of the Alzheimer's Disease in a Chinese Han Population with Type 2 Diabetes