All Stories

  1. Continental Shelf Baroclinic Instability. Part II: Oscillating Wind Forcing
  2. Continental Shelf Baroclinic Instability. Part I: Relaxation from Upwelling or Downwelling
  3. Cross-Shelf Exchange
  4. Water column structure and statistics of Denmark Strait Overflow Water cyclones
  5. Instability of an idealized tidal mixing front: Symmetric instabilities and frictional effects
  6. Instability of a tidal mixing front in the presence of realistic tides and mixing
  7. What determines the spatial pattern in summer upwelling trends on the U.S. West Coast?
  8. Baroclinic instability of an idealized tidal mixing front
  9. Buoyancy Arrest and Shelf–Ocean Exchange
  10. The coastal Robinson
  11. Topographic rectification in a stratified ocean
  12. Observations of storm-induced mixing and Gulf Stream Ring incursion over the southern flank of Georges Bank: Winter and summer 1997
  13. Evaporative dense water formation and cross-shelf exchange over the northwest Australian inner shelf
  14. George Veronis: An appreciation
  15. Topographic rectification in a forced, dissipative, barotropic ocean
  16. Buoyancy Arrest and Bottom Ekman Transport. Part II: Oscillating Flow
  17. Buoyancy Arrest and Bottom Ekman Transport. Part I: Steady Flow
  18. Editorial
  19. Tidal and subtidal water level fluctuations in the Berg Estuary
  20. Long-term moored array measurements of currents and hydrography over Georges Bank: 1994–1999
  21. Coastal Ocean Processes Program: Advancing Interdisciplinary Research and Technology Development
  22. Richard W. Garvine (1940–2007)
  23. Alongshore currents and mesoscale variability near the shelf edge off northwestern Australia
  24. East of Korea and West of Japan… The Very Model of Modern Major Oceanography
  25. Coastal-trapped waves with finite bottom friction
  26. Bottom boundary layer flow and salt injection from the continental shelf to slope
  27. Properties of flow and pressure over Georges Bank as observed with near-surface drifters
  28. Mesoscale eddies, coastal upwelling, and the upper-ocean heat budget in the Arabian Sea
  29. Interaction of a Slope Eddy with the Shelfbreak Front in the Middle Atlantic Bight*
  30. Tools of the Trade—Then and Now
  31. Geostrophic Turbulence over a Slope
  32. Getting Organized
  33. A Coastal Vision
  34. The upper-ocean response to monsoonal forcing in the Arabian Sea: seasonal and spatial variability
  35. Corrigendum to “The Northeast Monsoon's impact on mixing, phytoplankton biomass and nutrient cycling in the Arabian Sea” [Deep-Sea Research II 47 (2000) 1353–1385]
  36. The Northeast Monsoon's impact on mixing, phytoplankton biomass and nutrient cycling in the Arabian Sea
  37. Island-trapped waves, with application to observations off Bermuda
  38. High-frequency internal waves on a sloping shelf
  39. Why Oceanography?
  40. Ocean Science as a Bridge
  41. Challenges Great & Small
  42. Comments on "The non-wavelike response of a continental shelf to wind" by G. T. Csanady
  43. Variability of the near-surface eddy kinetic energy in the California Current based on altimetric, drifter, and moored current data
  44. Comments on “Direct Atmospheric Forcing of Geostrophic Eddies. Part II: Coherence Maps”
  45. The National Ocean Conference
  46. Time-dependent motions and the nonlinear bottom Ekman layer
  47. Scales of variability of bio-optical properties as observed from near-surface drifters
  48. Tidal and lower frequency currents above Fieberling Guyot
  49. Diurnal-period currents trapped above Fieberling Guyot: observed characteristics and model comparisons
  50. The effect of short-scale wind variations on shelf currents
  51. The future of naval ocean science research
  52. Drifter observations of a cold filament off Point Arena, California, in July 1988
  53. Descriptive oceanography during the Frontal Air-Sea Interaction Experiment: Medium- to large-scale variability
  54. The physical structure of cold filaments near Point Arena, California, during June 1987
  55. The Coastal Transition Zone program
  56. Coastal-Trapped Waves And Wind-Driven Currents Over The Continental Shelf
  57. Coastal-Trapped Waves and Wind-Driven Currents Over the Continental Shelf
  58. On the generation of seamount-trapped waves
  59. On the Damping of Free Coastal-Trapped Waves
  60. Coastal-Trapped Waves off the Coast of South Africa: Generation, Propagation and Current Structures
  61. Coastal oceanography
  62. Observations of phytoplankton and nutrients from a Lagrangian drifter off northern California
  63. Observations of the Response of Thermocline Currents to a Hurricane
  64. Energy Conservation in Coastal-Trapped Wave Calculations
  65. The effect of stratification on seamount-trapped waves
  66. Evidence for wind-driven current fluctuations in the western North Atlantic
  67. The asymmetric distribution of chlorophyll associated with a coastal upwelling center
  68. The Coastal Physical Oceanography Program (CoPo)
  69. On the effect of bottom friction on internal waves
  70. Coastal Physical Oceanography Workshop
  71. A comparison of empirical and dynamical hindcasts of low-frequency, wind-driven motions over a continental shelf
  72. Comment by Ken Brink
  73. Upwelling fronts: implications and unknowns
  74. Coastal ocean physical processes
  75. Programs for computing properties of coastal-trapped waves and wind-driven motions over the continental shelf and slope
  76. Shelf and slope circulation induced by fluctuating offshore forcing
  77. Shipboard acoustic Doppler profiler velocity observations near Point Conception: Spring 1983
  78. A stochastic model for wind-driven currents over the continental shelf
  79. Topographic Drag Due to Barotropic Flow over the Continental Shelf and Slope
  80. Mean Currents Driven by Topographic Drag over the Continental Shelf and Slope
  81. Scattering of long coastal-trapped waves due to bottom irregularities
  82. On the dynamical structure of the midshelf water column off northwest Africa
  83. Mesoscale hydrographic variability in the vicinity of Points Conception and Arguello during April–May 1983: The OPUS 1983 experiment
  84. Circulation in the Point Conception-Santa Barbara Channel region
  85. The Nantucket Shoals Flux Experiment (NSFE79). Part I: A Basic Description of the Current and Temperature Variability
  86. The Response of Stratified, Frictional Flow of Shelf and Slope Waters to Fluctuating Large-Scale, Low-Frequency Wind Forcing
  87. Coastal Oceanography H. G. Gade A. Edwards H. Svendsen
  88. Programs for computing properties of coastal-trapped waves and wind-driven motions over the continental shelf and slope
  89. Observations of the Coastal Upwelling Region near 34°30′N of California: Spring 1981
  90. Some Effects of Stratification on Long Trench Waves
  91. Observations of a Persistent Upwelling Center off Point Conception, California
  92. The physical environment of the Peruvian upwelling system
  93. Low-Frequency Free Wave and Wind-Driven Motions Over a Submarine Bank
  94. Reply
  95. The near-surface dynamics of coastal upwelling
  96. A Comparison of Long Coastal Trapped Wave Theory with Observations off Peru
  97. The Effect of Bottom Friction on Low-Frequency Coastal Trapped Waves
  98. The effect of advection on variations in zooplankton at a single location near Cabo Nazca, Peru
  99. The role of circulation and stability in controlling the relative abundance of dinoflagellates and diatoms over the Peru Shelf
  100. Physical and biological structure and variability in an upwelling center off Peru near 15°C during March, 1977
  101. Propagation of Barotropic Continental Shelf Waves over Irregular Bottom Topography
  102. Circulation in the Peruvian upwelling system near 15°S
  103. A Study of Low-Frequency Fluctuations Near the Peru Coast
  104. On the Effect of Bottom Friction on Barotropic Motion Over the Continental Shelf
  105. A laboratory study of open ocean barometric response
  106. The effect on ocean circulation of a change in the sign of ?
  107. The effect on ocean circulation of a change in the sign of β