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  1. Intrinsic brain functional connectivity patterns in alcohol use disorder
  2. It’s about time: Linking dynamical systems with human neuroimaging to understand the brain
  3. Anterior Cingulate Metabolite Levels, Memory, and Inhibitory Control in Abstinent Men and Women with Alcohol Use Disorder
  4. Factors in the neurodevelopment of negative urgency: Findings from a community-dwelling sample
  5. Students Attitudes Surrounding STEM: A Social Cognitive Career Theory Instrument for High School
  6. Age-dependent relationship of cardiorespiratory fitness and white matter integrity
  7. Brain responsivity to emotional faces differs in men and women with and without a history of alcohol use disorder
  8. Alcohol Cues Elicit Different Abnormalities in Brain Networks of Abstinent Men and Women with Alcohol Use Disorders
  9. Hippocampal subfield volumes in abstinent men and women with a history of alcohol use disorder
  10. White Matter Connectometry Among Individuals with Self-Reported Family History of Drug and Alcohol Use Disorders
  11. Components of executive function model regional prefrontal volumes.
  12. Hippocampal Subfield Volumes in Abstinent Men and Women with a History of Alcoholism
  13. White Matter Connectometry Among Individuals with Self-Reported Family History of Drug and Alcohol Use Disorders
  14. Brain Responsivity to Emotional Faces Differs in Alcoholic Men and Women
  15. Alcoholism gender differences in brain responsivity to emotional stimuli
  16. Alcoholism Gender Differences in Brain Responsivity to Emotional Stimuli
  17. Cognitive, Neuroanatomical, and Genetic Predictors of Executive Function in Healthy Children and Adolescents
  18. Identifying errors in Freesurfer automated skull stripping and the incremental utility of manual intervention
  19. Components of Executive Function Predict Regional Prefrontal Volumes
  20. On the impact of interhemispheric white matter: Age, executive functioning, and dedifferentiation in the frontal lobes
  21. Cerebral white matter sex dimorphism in alcoholism: a diffusion tensor imaging study
  22. Sexually dimorphic structural abnormalities in major connections of the medial forebrain bundle in alcoholism
  23. Cerebral White Matter Sex Dimorphism in Alcoholism: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
  24. On the Impact of Interhemispheric White Matter: Age, Executive Functioning, and Dedifferentiation in the Frontal Lobes
  25. Using Outliers in Freesurfer Segmentation Statistics to Identify Cortical Reconstruction Errors in Structural Scans
  26. Gender dimorphism of brain reward system volumes in alcoholism
  27. Associations Between Personality and Drinking Motives Among Abstinent Adult Alcoholic Men and Women
  28. Alcoholism and sexual dimorphism in the middle longitudinal fascicle: a pilot study
  29. Associations Between Cerebellar Subregional Morphometry and Alcoholism History in Men and Women
  30. Measures of skin conductance and heart rate in alcoholic men and women during memory performance
  31. Gender dimorphism of white matter integrity assessed by diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging in abstinent alcoholic men and women
  32. Influence of alcoholism and gender on the relationship between personality and drinking motivation
  33. Social Cognition Deficits and Associations with Drinking History in Alcoholic Men and Women
  34. Profiles of impaired, spared, and recovered neuropsychologic processes in alcoholism
  35. Brain volumes and neuropsychological performance are related to current smoking and alcoholism history
  36. Drinking History Associations with Regional White Matter Volumes in Alcoholic Men and Women
  37. Alcoholism and Dampened Temporal Limbic Activation to Emotional Faces
  38. Frontal brain dysfunction in alcoholism with and without antisocial personality disorder