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  1. Biological and technical complications of tilted implants in comparison with straight implants supporting fixed dental prostheses. A systematic review and meta-analysis
  2. Biomechanical aspects: Summary and consensus statements of group 4. The 5th EAO Consensus Conference 2018
  3. Influence of the position of the antrostomy in sinus floor elevation assessed with cone-beam computed tomography: A randomized clinical trial
  4. Reposition of the bone plate over the antrostomy in maxillary sinus augmentation: A histomorphometric study in rabbits
  5. Immediate and delayed loading of fixed dental prostheses supported by single or two splinted implants: A histomorphometric study in dogs
  6. Hard and soft tissue changes around implants activated using plasma of argon: A histomorphometric study in dog
  7. Influence of a collagen membrane positioned subjacent the sinus mucosa following the elevation of the maxillary sinus. A histomorphometric study in rabbits