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  1. Influence of water level duration on dike breach triggering, focusing on system behaviour hazard analyses in lowland rivers
  2. Evolutionary leap in large-scale flood risk assessment needed
  3. Review Article: Validation of flood risk models: current practice and innovations
  4. Resilience in practice: Five principles to enable societies to cope with extreme weather events
  5. Flood Catastrophe Model for Designing Optimal Flood Insurance Program: Estimating Location-Specific Premiums in the Netherlands
  6. Uncertainty in flood damage estimates and its potential effect on investment decisions
  7. Flood vulnerability of critical infrastructure in Cork, Ireland
  8. Hydrodynamic system behaviour: its analysis and implications for flood risk management
  9. Prototypes of risk-based flood forecasting systems in the Netherlands and Italy
  10. Economically optimal safety targets for riverine flood defence systems
  11. Methods and tools to support real time risk-based flood forecasting - a UK pilot application
  12. The storyline approach: a new way to analyse and improve flood event management
  13. Flood fatality hazard and flood damage hazard: combining multiple hazard characteristics into meaningful maps for spatial planning
  14. Assessing quick wins to protect critical urban infrastructure from floods: a case study in Bangkok, Thailand
  15. Uncertainty in flood damage estimates and its potential effect on investment decisions
  16. Flood fatality hazard and flood damage hazard: combining multiple hazard characteristics into meaningful maps for spatial planning
  17. An advanced method for flood risk analysis in river deltas, applied to societal flood fatality risk in the Netherlands
  18. Importance sampling for efficient modelling of hydraulic loads in the Rhine–Meuse delta
  19. An advanced method for flood risk analysis in river deltas, applied to societal flood fatality risks in the Netherlands
  20. Fatality risks in The Netherlands
  21. A stepwise approach for flood risk and vulnerability assessment for urban flood critical infrastructures
  22. Unbreachable embankments? In pursuit of the most effective stretches for reducing fatality risk
  23. Quantitative methods for estimating flood fatalities: towards the introduction of loss-of-life estimation in the assessment of flood risk
  24. Application and validation of mortality functions to assess the consequences of flooding to people
  25. The meaning of system robustness for flood risk management
  26. Assessment of the Netherlands’ Flood Risk Management Policy Under Global Change
  27. Casualty risks in the discussion on new flood protection standards in The Netherlands
  28. Risky places in the Netherlands: a first approximation for floods
  29. A method for developing long-term strategies for flood risk management
  30. Flood risk management
  31. Assessment of flood risk accounting for river system behaviour
  32. Resilience indicators for flood risk management systems of lowland rivers
  33. Resilience strategies for flood risk management in the Netherlands
  34. Evolving Concepts in Flood Risk Management: Searching for a Common Language