All Stories

  1. Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into your daily work
  2. The concept of care
  3. Introduction to the special issue on work-related pain
  4. Unlocking potential: The strategic role of mentoring in professional development
  5. Importance of quality sleep on work performance
  6. Winter solstice: A time for reflection
  7. Second language acquisition
  8. Intrapreneurship
  9. Positionality and reflexivity statement
  10. Helping to make the world a better place through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  11. Librarians: Their multifaceted roles
  12. Reflections on national parks
  13. Being inspired
  14. Digital citizens: Ensuring responsible and ethical generative artificial intelligence use
  15. Different types of writing
  16. Future of Work: Upskilling
  17. Cultural humility
  18. Cultivating creativity
  19. Meaningful occupations
  20. Appreciation
  21. Future of WORK
  22. Use of podcasts for knowledge acquisition
  23. Mentoring
  24. Storytelling
  25. Revitalize connections
  26. Re-enaging in Occupations
  27. Work-related tech predictions for 2022
  28. Using social media to improve knowledge translation of scholarly work
  29. Watching the leaves turn
  30. Roles and routines
  31. Re-thinking Writing Time
  32. Gratitude
  33. Land Acknowledgement
  34. Recalibrating
  35. Discovery through perseverance
  36. From the Editor
  37. From the Editor
  38. From the Editor
  39. From the Editor
  40. From the Editor
  41. From the Editor
  42. From the Editor
  43. From the Editor
  44. From the Editor
  45. From the Editor
  46. From the Editor
  47. From the Editor
  48. From the Editor
  49. From the Editor
  50. From the Editor
  51. From the Editor
  52. From the Editor
  53. From the Editor
  54. From the Editor
  55. From the Editor
  56. From the Editor
  57. From the Editor
  58. From the Editor
  59. From the Editor
  60. From the Editor
  61. Work and Traumatic Brain Injury
  62. Project Career: Perceived benefits of iPad apps among college students with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  63. From the Editor
  64. From the Editor
  65. From the Editor
  66. From the Editor
  67. From the Editor
  68. From the Editor
  69. From the Editor
  70. From the Editor
  71. From the Editor
  72. From the Editor
  73. From the Editor
  74. From the Editor
  75. From the Editor
  76. From the Editor
  77. From the Editor
  78. From the Editor
  79. From the Editor
  80. From the Editor
  81. From the Editor
  82. Project Career: A qualitative examination of five college students with traumatic brain injuries
  83. Activities and interim outcomes of a multi-site development project to promote cognitive support technology use and employment success among postsecondary students with traumatic brain injuries
  84. The Process for the Formulation of the International Telehealth Position Statement for Occupational Therapy
  85. Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy (6th edition)2015 150 Edited by Karen Jacobs and Laela Simon Quick Reference Dictionary for Occupational Therapy (6th edition) Thorofare, NJ Slack 2015 xvi + 724 pp. 9781617116469 £34.50 $47.95
  86. Occupational Therapy Essentials for Clinical Competence
  87. The Nature, Perception, and Impact of e-Mentoring on Post-Professional Occupational Therapy Doctoral Students
  88. Academic Evolution: Ensuring Quality Online Education in Occupational Therapy
  89. The Feasibility and Accuracy of Using a Remote Method to Assess Computer Workstations
  90. Job Analyses
  91. Job Characteristics
  92. Job Classification
  93. Job Components
  94. Job Demand/Control/Strain
  95. Job Control
  96. Job Demands
  97. Job Diagnostic Survey
  98. Job Evaluation
  99. Job Performance
  100. Job Prestige
  101. Job Performance Standards
  102. Job Related to Health
  103. Job Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction
  104. Job Strain
  105. Joint Inflammation
  106. Joint Pain
  107. Juvenile Diabetes
  108. Symptom Magnification Syndrome
  109. Psychosocial Work Environment
  110. Co-workers
  111. PromOTing Occupational Therapy: Words, Images, and Actions
  112. Tele-Ergonomics
  113. Wii Health: A Preliminary Study of the Health and Wellness Benefits of Wii Fit on University Students
  114. University students' notebook computer use: lessons learned using e-diaries to report musculoskeletal discomfort
  115. University students' notebook computer use: lessons learned using e-diaries to report musculoskeletal discomfort
  116. The notebook computing experience among university students
  117. The Notebook Computing Experience among University Students
  118. University students’ notebook computer use
  119. University Students' Notebook Computer Use
  120. Economics and Marketing of Ergonomic Services
  121. Preface
  122. Ergonomics for Children and Youth in the Educational Environment
  123. Middle School Students' Notebook Computer Use
  124. Posture Checklist Using Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Technology
  125. Rehabilitating the Elderly in Return to Work
  126. Work Center
  127. Community
  128. University Students' Notebook Computer Use
  129. Middle school students who use computers
  130. Middle school students' notebook computer use
  131. Online Education: Best Practices to Promote Learning
  132. Tele-ergonomics: A novel approach to computer workstation ergonomic assessment and modification
  133. Ergonomics for children: Forward directions
  134. Backpack usage and self-reported musculoskeletal discomfort in university students
  135. Human Factors Applications in Academic Settings
  136. The notebook computing experience among university students