All Stories

  1. Ecology: Document India's floral biodiversity
  2. Kin selection and the evolution of plant reproductive traits
  3. Harvesters’ perceptions of population status and conservation of Chinese caterpillar fungus in the Dolpa region of Nepal
  4. Restoring working forests in human dominated landscapes of tropical south Asia
  5. Impact of Climate Change on Potential Distribution of Chinese Caterpillar Fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) in Nepal Himalaya
  6. Economic contribution of Chinese caterpillar fungus to the livelihoods of mountain communities in Nepal
  7. Dimensions of caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) decline—A response to Stewart et al.
  8. Knowledge, Institutions, and Human Resources for Conservation of Biodiversity
  9. Inserting Politics and History in Conservation
  10. Trade, harvest, and conservation of caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) in the Himalayas
  11. Biodiversity in Logged and Managed Forests
  12. Forest Canopies as Earth’s Support Systems: Priorities for Research and Conservation
  13. Widespread Climate Change in the Himalayas and Associated Changes in Local Ecosystems
  14. Local perceptions of climate change validated by scientific evidence in the Himalayas
  15. Rights, Governance, and Conservation of Biological Diversity
  16. Monitoring systems outdated and protectionist
  17. Beyond exclusion: alternative approaches to biodiversity conservation in the developing tropics
  18. Quantifying and mapping biodiversity and ecosystem services: Utility of a multi-season NDVI based Mahalanobis distance surrogate
  19. Natural Forest Management and Conservation of Biodiversity in Tropical Forests
  20. Poverty, biodiversity and institutions in forest-agriculture ecotones in the Western Ghats and Eastern Himalaya ranges of India
  21. Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: Investing without losing interest
  22. Prioritisation of conservation areas in the Western Ghats, India
  23. Conservation requires multiple approaches
  24. Supra-Annual Flowering, Bees, and the Southeast Asian Tropical Forests
  25. Globally Dispersed Local Challenges in Conservation Biology
  26. Peter H. Raven, Honorary Fellow, ATB, 2000
  27. The post-fire effects on the outcrossing rate of a Brazilian savannah shrub, Helicteres sacarolha A.St.-Hil
  28. More than a Conservation Assessment
  29. Beyond Paradise-Meeting the Challenges in Tropical Biology in the 21st Century
  30. Reconciling Conservation Paradigms
  31. Impact of Global Changes on the Reproductive Biology of Trees in Tropical Dry Forests
  32. Flowering Phenology and Pollination Systems Diversity in the Seasonal Dry Forest
  33. Beyond Paradise—Meeting the Challenges in Tropical Biology in the 21st Century1
  34. Beyond Paradise—Meeting the Challenges in Tropical Biology in the 21st Century1
  35. Roads and Conservation
  36. Harvesting techniques, hemiparasites and fruit production in two non-timber forest tree species in south India
  37. Identifying Conservation-Priority Areas in the Tropics: a Land-Use Change Modeling Approach
  38. Logged Forests
  39. Peter H. Raven, Honorary Fellow, ATB, 2000
  40. The effect of ecological factors on the mating system of a South American shrub species (Helicteres brevispira)
  41. Protected Areas and Conservation of Biodiversity in the Tropics
  42. Conservation and Management of Biological Resources in Himalaya P. S. Ramakrishnan A. N. Purohit K. G. Saxena K. S. Rao R. K. Maikhuri
  43. Natural Forest Management and Conservation of Biodiversity in Tropical Forests
  44. Global Climate Change and Tropical Forest Genetic Resources
  45. Linking Human Health to Biological Diversity
  46. Conservation of Microsatellites Among Tropical Trees (Leguminosae)
  47. Cloning and Conservation of Biological Diversity: Paradox, Panacea, or Pandora’s Box?
  48. Socioeconomic factors and tropical deforestation
  49. Biodiversity monitoring the missing ingredients
  50. Effectiveness of the protected area network in biodiversity conservation: a case-study of Meghalaya state
  51. Effect of Forest Fragmentation on Genetic Diversity and Mating System in a Tropical Tree, Pithecellobium elegans
  52. Microsatellite Markers for Population and Conservation Genetics of Tropical Trees
  53. Biodiversity Convention and Developing Countries
  54. Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Rain Forest
  55. Population Genetics of Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae), a Neotropical Tree. 1. Genetic Variation in Natural Populations
  56. Population Genetics of Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae), a Neotropical Tree. 2. Mating System
  57. La Selva: Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Rain Forest. Lucinda A. McDade Kamaljit S. Bawa Henry A. Hespenheide Gary S. Hartshorn
  58. Another Outstanding Text
  59. LaSelva: Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Rainforest.
  60. An Intensely Studied Rain Forest La Selva: Ecology and Natural History of a Neotropical Rain Forest Lucinda A. McDade Kamaljit S. Bawa Henry A. Hespenheide Gary S. Hartshorne
  61. The Effects of Selective Logging on Inbreeding in Shorea megistophylla (Dipterocarpaceae) from Sri Lanka
  62. Genetic Diversity and Mating System in a Tropical Tree, Carapa guianensis (Meliaceae)
  63. Low Genetic Variation but High Population Differentiation in a Common Tropical Forest Tree Species
  64. Pollinators of Tropical Dioecious Angiosperms: A Reassessment? No, not yet
  65. Outcrossing Rates of Two Endemic Shorea Species from Sri Lankan Tropical Rain Forests
  66. Genetic Structure and Mating System of Stemonoporus oblongifolius (Dipterocarpaceae) in Sri Lanka
  67. Introduction to case studies from South Asia
  68. Methods to assess the impact of extraction of non-timber tropical forest products on plant populations
  69. The economic value and sustainable harvest of plants and animals from the tropical forest: Assumptions, hypotheses, and methods
  70. Colonialism, Rural Poverty and the Use of Forest Resources
  71. Variation in seed and seedling traits in Pithecellobium pedicellare, a tropical rain forest tree
  72. Conservation of biodiversity: A Southeast Asian perspective
  73. Late-acting self-incompatibility in angiosperms
  74. Choosy Plants Mate Choice in Plants: Mechanisms and Consequences Mary F. Wilson Nancy Burley
  75. Episodic Flowering and Sexual Dimorphism in Guarea Rhopalocarpa in a Costa Rican Rain Forest
  76. Sexual Dimorphism and the Annual Flowering Pattern in Jacaratia Dolichaula (D. Smith) Woodson (Caricaceae) in a Costa Rican Rain Forest
  77. Breeding systems of trees in a tropical wet forest
  78. Foraging Behaviour of Solitary Bees: Implications for Outcrossing of a Neotropical Forest Tree Species