All Stories

  1. Soft power is rare in world politics: Ruling out fear- and appetite-based compliance
  2. What are the Consequences of the Social and Cultural Exchanges between the Two Koreas? Insights from an Experimental Study on the Effect of Superordinate Korean Identity
  3. Inter-Korean People-to-People Diplomacy: Social and Cultural Exchanges across the 38th Parallel
  4. Moving public diplomacy research forward: methodological approaches
  5. Global Korea Scholarship students: Intention to stay in the host country to work or study after graduation
  6. International scholarship for social change? Re‐contextualizing Global Korea Scholarship alumni’s perceptions of justice and diversity in South Korea
  7. Evaluations of people, affection, and recommendation for a host country: A study of Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) recipients
  8. Introduction to the special issue—Global Korea Scholarship: Empirical evaluation of a non‐Western scholarship program from a public diplomacy perspective
  9. Satisfied or dissatisfied: The determinants of Global Korea Scholarship recipients’ satisfaction with life in Korea
  10. Exploring Global Korea Scholarship as a Public Diplomacy Tool
  11. Correction to: Determinants of Global Korea Scholarship students’ word‑of‑mouth about Korea
  12. Troubling neighborhood
  13. Capturing country images: a methodological approach
  14. Determinants of Global Korea Scholarship students’ word-of-mouth about Korea
  15. Impact of country image on relationship maintenance: a case study of Korean Government Scholarship Program alumni
  16. Competition for Hearts and Minds: Cold War Public Diplomacy
  17. Assessing Propaganda Effectiveness in North Korea: A Limited Access Case Study
  18. Transferring Knowledge to Narrative Worlds: Applying Power Taxonomy to Science Fiction Films
  19. Why and How Do Sojourners Talk about Macao? Effects of Perceived Risk and Expected Benefit
  20. Why and How Do Sojourners Talk about Macao? Effects of Perceived Risk and Expected Benefit
  21. South Korea at the crossroads: autonomy and alliance in an era of rival powers
  22. Rethinking Korea's Middle Power Diplomacy as a Nation Branding Project
  23. The Boundaries of Public Diplomacy and Nonstate Actors: A Taxonomy of Perspectives
  24. Connecting Public Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
  25. Branding Korea as My Friend s Country : The Case of VANK s Cyber Public Diplomats
  26. An Analysis of the Nexus between Popular Culture Consumption and East Asian Regionalisation