All Stories

  1. Green social innovation – towards a typology
  2. The ‘fit’ between forward-looking activities and the innovation policy governance sub-system: A framework to explore potential impacts
  3. Research and innovation futures: exploring new ways of doing and organizing knowledge creation
  4. The futures of the service economy in Europe: A foresight analysis
  5. Measuring the integration and coordination dynamics of the European Research Area
  6. Preparing for grand challenges: the role of future-oriented technology analysis in anticipating and shaping structural and systemic changes
  7. Legitimizing research, technology and innovation policies for transformative change
  8. Expectations as a key to understanding actor strategies in the field of fuel cell and hydrogen vehicles
  9. Coping with a fast-changing world: Towards new systems of future-oriented technology analysis
  10. The impact of foresight on innovation policy-making: recent experiences and future perspectives
  11. Trade-offs between policy impacts of future-oriented analysis: experiences from the innovation policy foresight and strategy process of the City of Vienna
  13. Adaptive Foresight: Navigating the complex landscape of policy strategies
  14. Trend spotting the future of information society technology human resources
  15. Towards Environmental Innovation Systems
  16. Transforming Large Socio-technical Systems towards Sustainability: On the Role of Users and Future Visions for the Uptake of City Logistics and Combined Heat and Power Generation
  17. Strategies for European innovation policy in the transport field
  18. Innovation Diffusion and Political Control of Energy Technologies
  19. Introduction
  20. Conclusions
  21. A General Methodology for Studying Innovation Diffusion and Political Control
  22. Issues of Energy Supply and Cogeneration
  23. Liberalisation of Energy Supply in the UK
  24. Determinants of CHP-Diffusion
  25. Comparison of the Developments in the UK and Germany
  26. Theoretical Approaches to Technological Change and Political Control Across Disciplines
  27. Transforming the Monopoly - CHP in Germany
  28. Methodological Transfer - From the General Approach to the Empirical Investigation
  29. The PET-System: An Integrated Approach to Innovation Diffusion and Political Control
  30. Policy Analysis and Policy Conclusions
  31. Merging Research Perspectives on Innovation Systems and Environmental Innovation: An Introduction
  32. The Social and Political Ecology of Industrial Ecology
  33. System innovations in innovation systems
  34. Integrated Long-Term Strategies to Induce Regime Shifts towards Sustainability: The Approach of Strategic Niche Management
  35. Policy developments and measures for enhancing ServPPINs dynamics
  36. The 'Fit' between Forward-Looking Activities and the Innovation Policy Governance Sub-System
  37. What role for politics in the governance of complex innovation systems?: new concepts, requirements and processes of an interactive technology policy for sustainability
  38. ServPPINs as instruments for realizing system innovations: two case studies in passenger transport in Austria