All Stories

  1. Article
    Crouching the tiger, or hiding the dragon? scale in China’s heritage production
    June Wang
  2. Article
    Putting the Place in Flow Restructures: Networks, Assembled Positionalities, and the Special Economic Zone Development
    June Wang
  3. Article
    Labor-Capital Relations on Digital Platforms: Unpacking Scholarship on the Nature of Work
    June Wang
  4. Article
    Atomised territory and assembled positionalities
    June Wang
  5. Article
    Institutionalization of public interest in planning: Evolving mechanisms of public representation in China’s urban regeneration policymaking
    June Wang
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    “Co-production” as an alternative in post-political China? Conceptualizing the legitimate power over participation in neighborhood regeneration practices
    June Wang
  7. Article
    The deep interface of the effectuated voluminous territories: gates, smooth and striated spaces, and the royal science in the Air Silk Road
    June Wang
  8. Article
    Red Creative: Culture and Modernity in China, by Justin O’Connor and Xin Gu. Bristol, UK: Intellect, 2020. US$32.50 (paper).
    June Wang
  9. Article
    From technocentrism to humanism: Progress and prospects of smart city research
    June Wang
  10. Article
    Three Currents of Platformization in China
    June Wang
  11. Article
    An Overview of Nepalese Medicinal Plant Trade with China
    June Wang
  12. Article
    Network Governance and the Evolving Urban Regeneration Policymaking in China: A Case Study of Insurgent Practices in Enninglu Redevelopment Project
    June Wang
  13. Article
    June Wang
  14. Article
    Review forum reading Tim Winter's Geocultural Power: China's Quest to Revive the Silk Roads for the Twenty-First Century, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2019). 304 pp.; bibliog.; index. ISBN: 978-0-226-65835-3 US $27.50 (paperback).
    June Wang
  15. Article
    Creativity and Chinese urbanism: the moral atmosphere of Lishui Barbizon
    June Wang
  16. Article
    Geography of Chinese rock and roll: cultural, political and economic forces intertwined
    June Wang
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    Guerrilla warfare, flagship project: the spatial politics of Chinese rock in Shenzhen’s post-political making of a musical city
    June Wang
  18. Article
    Mobilising welfare machine: Questioning the resurgent socialist concern in China’s Public Rental Housing Scheme.
    June Wang
  19. Article
    Reading Sami Moisio’s Geopolitics of the KnowledgeBased Economy
    June Wang
  20. Article
    The centripetal and centrifugal forces at work: mobility of the creative workforce
    June Wang
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    June Wang
  22. Article
    Transborder Film Production Between Mainland China and Hong Kong After CEPA: The Interplay Between Political Orientation and Market Forces
    June Wang
  23. Article
    The centripetal and centrifugal forces at work: mobility of the creative workforce
    June Wang
  24. Article
    The geopolitics of knowledge circulation: the situated agency of mimicking in/beyond China
    June Wang
  25. Article
    Review forum
    June Wang
  26. Article
    Subcultures as urban chic: The worlding Asian cities
    June Wang
  27. Article
    Urban entrepreneurialism 2.0 or the becoming south of the urban world
    June Wang
  28. Article
    Social factory as prosaic state space: Redefining labour in China’s mass innovation/mass entrepreneurship campaign
    June Wang
  29. Article
    Guerrilla warfare, flagship project: The spatial politics of Chinese rock in Shenzhen’s post-political making of a musical city
    June Wang
  30. Article
    State-led creative/cultural city making and its contestations in East Asia: A multi-scalar analysis of the entrepreneurial state and the creative class
    June Wang
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    Manufacturing towns in China: the governance of rural migrant workers
    June Wang
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    Rural migrants in transitional urban China: Marginality, agency and social justice
    shenjing heJune Wang
  33. Article
    Geography of Chinese rock and roll: cultural, political and economic forces intertwined
    June Wang
  34. Article
    Handbook on Urban Development in China
    June Wang
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    Introduction to the Handbook on Urban Development in China: urbanization with Chinese characteristics
    June Wang
  36. Article
    Mobilising the welfare machine: Questioning the resurgent socialist concern in China’s Public Rental Housing Scheme
    June Wang
  37. Article
    A Small Entrepreneurial City in Action: Policy Mobility, Urban Entrepreneurialism, and Politics of Scale in Jiyuan, China
    Lingyue LIJune Wang
  38. Article
    the politics of assemblage, knowledge and territory
    June Wang
  39. Article
    State territorialization, neoliberal governmentality: the remaking of Dafen oil painting village, Shenzhen, China
    June Wang
  40. Article
    Making Cultural Cities in Asia
    June Wang
  41. Article
    Making a cultural cluster in China: A study of Dafen Oil Painting Village, Shenzhen
    June Wang
  42. Article
    Hierarchical Production of Privacy: Gating in Compact Living in Hong Kong
    June Wang
  43. Article
    The developmental state in the global hegemony of neoliberalism: A new strategy for public housing in Singapore
    June Wang
  44. Article
    Evolution of Cultural Clusters in China: Comparative Study of Beijing and Shanghai
    June Wang
  45. Article
    The study of summer-time heat island, built form and fabric in a densely built urban environment in compact Chinese cities: Hong Kong, Guangzhou
    June Wang
  46. Article
    ‘Art in capital’: Shaping distinctiveness in a culture-led urban regeneration project in Red Town, Shanghai
    June Wang
  47. Article
    Gentrification and Shanghai’s new middle-class: Another reflection on the cultural consumption thesis
    June Wang
  48. Article
    Forming foreign enclaves in Shanghai: state action in globalization
    June Wang
  49. Article
    Smart and Sustainable City - a Case Study from Hong Kong
    June Wang
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    Sustainable Development in Hong Kong: a Review of Policy, Practices in Building Design and Construction
    June Wang
  51. Article
    Lifestyle and housing location choice : a case study of residential differentiation of professionals in transitional Shanghai
    June Wang