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  1. Division or Union of Labor? Analyzing Workers’ Representation in the Argentine Congress
  2. The hidden electoral connection: analysing parliamentary questions in the Chilean Congress
  3. Disentangling the Role of Ideology and Partisanship in Legislative Voting: Evidence from Argentina
  4. The Effect of the Electoral Calendar on Politicians' Selection into Legislative Cohorts and Legislative Behavior in Argentina, 1983-2007
  5. An empirical stochastic model of Argentina’s Impossible Game (1955–1966)
  6. From House to Home: Strategic Bill Drafting in Multilevel Systems with Non-static Ambition
  7. The Subnational Connection in Unitary Regimes: Progressive Ambition and Legislative Behavior in Uruguay
  8. Does Electoral Accountability Make a Difference? Direct Elections, Career Ambition, and Legislative Performance in the Argentine Senate
  9. The Governor' Backyard: A Seat-Vote Model of Electoral Reform for Subnational Multiparty Races
  10. After Quotas: Women's Presence and Legislative Behavior in Argentina (written with Marina Lacalle and Juan Pablo Micozzi)