All Stories

  1. Cooking with Controversies: How Geographers Might Use Controversy Mapping as a Research Tool
  2. Best of two worlds? Towards ethical electronics repair, reuse, repurposing and recycling
  3. Waste and Waste Management
  4. A crack in the facade? Situating Singapore in global flows of electronic waste
  5. Legal orderings of waste in built spaces
  6. Electronic Waste
  7. Are we living in a post‐ B asel world?
  8. Composing Urban Orders from Rubbish Electronics: Cityness and the Site Multiple
  9. The changing geography of global trade in electronic discards: time to rethink the e‐waste problem
  10. Checking in with reality: a response to Herodet al.
  11. Legal geographies of e-waste legislation in Canada and the US: Jurisdiction, responsibility and the taboo of production
  12. Making chains that (un)make things: waste–value relations and the bangladeshi rubbish electronics industry
  13. From beginnings and endings to boundaries and edges: rethinking circulation and exchange through electronic waste
  14. Metropolis on the margins: talent attraction and retention to the St. John's city-region
  15. Foregrounding technology over politics? Media framings of federal elections in Malaysia
  16. Mapping international flows of electronic waste
  17. Clustering as Anti-politics Machine? Situating the Politics of Regional Economic Development and Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor
  18. Stories of space and subjectivity in planning the Multimedia Super Corridor
  19. Cyberspace
  20. Mobile Phones
  21. Computers and Printers, Personal Waste
  22. Computers and Printers, Business Waste