All Stories

  1. Comparison of microridges in juvenile and adult sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus
  2. Apical surface ring formation in Cyprinus carpio scale epidermis
  3. Pigmented macrophages and related aggregates in the spleen of european sea bass dosed with heavy metals: Ultrastructure and explorative morphometric analysis
  4. Histochemical and immunohistochemical characterization of rodlet cells in the intestine of two teleosts, Anguilla anguilla and Cyprinus carpio
  5. Dynamic intra-epidermal bodies (IEBs) in koi epidermis
  6. Microridges in Cyprinus carpio scale epidermis
  7. Liver of the fish Gymnotus inaequilabiatus and nematode larvae infection: Histochemical features and expression of proliferative cell nuclear antigen
  8. Eosinophilic granule cells in Carassius auratus scale epidermis
  9. Dynamic apical surface rings in superficial layer cells of koiCyprinus carpioscale epidermis
  10. Mucus cells in koi (Cyprinus carpio) scale epidermis
  11. Anguilla anguilla intestinal immune response to natural infection with Contracaecum rudolphii A larvae
  12. European sea bass gill pathology after exposure to cadmium and terbuthylazine: expert versus fractal analysis
  13. Tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor triggers rodlet cell discharge in sunfish scale epidermis cultures
  14. Rodlet cells in epidermal explant cultures ofLepomis Macrochirus
  15. Rearrangement of the F-actin cytoskeleton in estradiol-treated MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells
  16. Cell matrix adhesions and localization of the vitronectin receptor in MCF-7 human mammary carcinoma cells