All Stories

  1. Adjoint maps between implicative semilattices and continuity of localic maps
  2. Some general aspects of exactness and strong exactness of meets
  3. Frame presentations of compact hedgehogs and their properties
  4. Continuous extensions of real functions on arbitrary sublocales and C-, C⁎-, and z-embeddings
  5. A New Diagonal Separation and its Relations With the Hausdorff Property
  6. Notes on Point-Free Topology
  7. Separation in Point-Free Topology
  8. On Equalizers in the Category of Locales
  9. Perfect locales and localic real functions
  10. Axiom $T_D$ and the Simmons sublocale theorem
  11. On hereditary properties of extremally disconnected frames and normal frames
  12. Hewitt’s irresolvability and induced Sublocales in spatial frames
  13. Entourages, Density, Cauchy Maps, and Completion
  14. Some aspects of (non) functoriality of natural discrete covers of locales
  15. Hedgehog frames and a cardinal extension of normality
  16. Remainders in pointfree topology
  17. Correction to: The Other Closure and Complete Sublocales
  18. The Other Closure and Complete Sublocales
  19. Tensor products and relation quantales
  20. A Boolean extension of a frame and a representation of discontinuity
  21. Generating sublocales by subsets and relations: a tangle of adjunctions
  22. Perfectness in locales
  23. A unified view of the Dedekind completion of pointfree function rings
  24. New Aspects of Subfitness in Frames and Spaces
  25. Normal semicontinuity and the Dedekind completion of pointfree function rings
  26. Presenting the frame of the unit circle
  27. On an aspect of scatteredness in the point-free setting
  28. On permutable pairs of quasi-uniformities
  29. On the Dedekind completion of function rings
  30. Notes on the Product of Locales
  31. On the parallel between normality and extremal disconnectedness
  32. Monotone normality and stratifiability from a pointfree point of view
  33. (Sub)fit biframes and non-symmetric nearness
  34. More on Subfitness and Fitness
  35. Notes on Exact Meets and Joins
  36. Extended real functions in pointfree topology
  37. Frames and Locales
  38. Rings of real functions in pointfree topology
  39. Foreword
  40. Metric Frames
  41. Localic Groups
  42. Separation Axioms
  43. More about Completion
  44. The semicontinuous quasi-uniformity of a frame, revisited
  45. On Strong Inclusions and Asymmetric Proximities in Frames
  46. Entourages, Covers and Localic Groups
  47. Cover quasi-uniformities in frames
  48. On the uniformization of lattice-valued frames
  49. Completely normal frames and real-valued functions
  50. Insertion of Continuous Real Functions on Spaces, Bispaces, Ordered Spaces and Pointfree Spaces—A Common Root
  51. Localic real functions: A general setting
  52. Seashells: the Plainness and Beauty of Their Mathematical Description
  53. Lower and upper regularizations of frame semicontinuous real functions
  54. Pointfree forms of Dowker’s and Michael’s insertion theorems
  55. Uniform-type structures on lattice-valued spaces and frames
  56. Monotone insertion and monotone extension of frame homomorphisms
  57. Ideals in Heyting Semilattices and Open Homomorphisms
  58. On the algebraic representation of semicontinuity
  59. On Point-finiteness in Pointfree Topology
  60. A new look at localic interpolation theorems
  61. The Galois Approach to Uniform Structures
  62. Functorial Quasi-Uniformities on Frames
  63. The quantale of Galois connections
  64. On complete congruence lattices of join-infinite distributive lattices
  65. Structured Frames by Weil Entourages
  66. Join-continuous frames, Priestley's duality and biframes
  67. On two extension of dicksons torsion theory
  68. Locales