All Stories

  1. Sub Cellular Organelles-targeting Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT)
  2. Quantum dot as probe for disease diagnosis and monitoring
  3. Spectral overlap-free quantum dot-based determination of benzo[a]pyrene-induced cancer stem cells by concurrent monitoring of CD44, CD24 and aldehyde dehydrogenase 1
  4. Regional average intensity-based adherent cellular imaging: application to evaluation of drug-induced cardiotoxicity
  5. A multifunctional composite of an antibacterial higher-valent silver metallopharmaceutical and a potent wound healing polypeptide: a combined killing and healing approach to wound care
  6. Silver as antibacterial agent: Metal nanoparticles to nanometallopharmaceuticals: (Silver based antibacterial nanometallopharmaceuticals)
  7. Antibacterial Metallopharmaceuticals: Into the Nanoscale Regime of Silver