All Stories

  1. From Serial Access to Random Access: Tables of Contents, Chapter Headings and Hierarchical Text Structures in Fourth/Tenth-century Scientific Books
  2. Ritual Time, Civil Time, and Cosmic Time: Three Co-Existing Temporalities in Premodern Islamic Society
  3. Sobieroj, Florian: Arabische Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek zu München unter Einschluss einiger türkischer und persischer Handschriften
  4. Reck, Christiane: Mitteliranische Handschriften: Berliner Turfanfragmente christlichen Inhalts und Varia in soghdischer Schrift
  5. Astrolabes as Eclipse Computers: Four Early Arabic Texts on Construction and Use of the Ṣafīḥa Kusūfiyya
  6. The Second Revival of Astronomy in the Tenth Century and the Establishment of Astronomy as an Element of Encyclopedic Education
  7. Astrolabes as Eclipse Computers: Four Early Arabic Texts on Construction and Use of the Ṣafīḥa Kusūfiyya
  8. Al-Fārābīs Kommentar zum Almagest in sekundärer Überlieferung bei Ibn aṣ-Ṣalāḥ: Ein vorläufiger Bericht
  9. Early Persian Medical Works on Antisyphilitic Mercury Medicines