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  1. Interaction of wet dam-break flows with a structure: on the effects of surface tension and gate opening velocity in water surface evolution using MPS method
  2. Turbulence analysis for vertical baffle configurations on prismatic tanks by the MPS method
  3. Sloshing study on prismatic LNG tank for the vertical location of the rotational center
  4. Numerical study on the optimised design of mooring truncated systems for different ocean basins
  5. Analysis of vessel hybrid engine upgrade by a CFD study
  6. Lagrangian models for the simulation of fluids and their application to marine hydrodynamics
  7. Wet Dam-Break simulation using the SPS-LES turbulent contribution on the WCMPS method
  8. Simulation of breaking waves on slope beaches integrating the MPS method into Iwagaki wave theory
  9. Yaw motion analysis of a FPSO turret mooring system under wave drift forces
  10. Solitary wave collisions by double-dam-broken simulations with the MPS method
  11. Motion behavior in a turret-moored FPSO caused by piston mode effects in moonpool
  12. On the stabilization of unphysical pressure oscillations in MPS method simulations
  13. Hierarchical dynamics of a transcription factors network in E. coli
  14. Two static charged masses in the external field
  15. Non-Classical Traveling Solutions in a Nonlinear Klein Gordon Model
  16. Analogs of the double-Reissner-Nordström solution in magnetostatics and dilaton gravity: Mathematical description and basic physical properties