All Stories

  1. The Challenges of Bringing Together Multilingualism and Multimodality
  2. Phonotactics, graphotactics and contrast: the history of Scots dental fricative spellings
  3. Towards a grapho-phonologically parsed corpus of medieval Scots: database design and technical solutions
  4. Applications of Pattern-driven Methods in Corpus Linguistics
  5. Chapter 1. Present applications and future directions in pattern-driven approaches to corpus linguistics
  6. Chapter 11. Blogging around the world
  7. 13. Administrative multilingualism on the page in early modern Poland: In search of a framework for written code-switching
  8. Binomials in the History of English
  9. Historical (Im)politeness
  10. Tracing L-vocalisation in early Scots
  11. Wendy Anderson (ed.),Language in Scotland. Corpus-based studies
  12. Medieval Multilingualism in Poland: Creating a Corpus of Greater Poland Court Oaths (Rotha)
  13. Review of Jucker & Taavitsainen (2013): English Historical Pragmatics
  14. Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics
  15. Older Scots: A linguistic reader. By Jeremy J. Smith. Pp. xi, 253. ISBN: 9781897976333 (Hardback); 9781897976340 (Paperback). Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer (for the Scottish Text Society, Fifth series, no. 9), 2012. £45 (Hardback); £14.99 (Paperback).
  16. Christopher Upward and George Davidson. The History of English Spelling.
  17. The Language of William Dunbar: Middle Scots or Early Modern Scots?
  18. Communities of Practice in the History of English
  19. The Legal Language of Scottish Burghs
  20. Code-switching in the records of a Scottish brotherhood in early modern Poland-Lithuania
  21. Communities of practice as a locus of language change
  22. Formulaic discourse across Early Modern English medical genres
  23. How a community of practice creates a text community
  24. Long Lexical Bundles and Standardisation in Historical Legal Texts
  25. Scotland and Poland. Historical Encounters, 1500–2010.Edited by T. M. Devine and David Hesse. Pp. xi, 211. ISBN: 9781906566272 (pbk). Edinburgh: John Donald, 2011. £20.00.
  26. Repetitive and therefore fixed?
  27. Standaryzacja tekstu w perspektywie historycznej. Analiza zbitek leksykalnych
  28. Analytic of the samyn or synthetic its?
  29. Applications of the Lexical Bundles Method in Historical Corpus Research: Joanna Kopaczyk
  30. Communication gaps in seventeenth century Britain:Explaining legal Scots to English practitioners. Joanna Kopaczyk, Poznan
  31. Defining and Exploring Binomials