All Stories

  1. The redistributive effects of pandemics: Evidence on the Spanish flu
  2. Regional growth and inequality in the long-run: Europe, 1900–2015
  4. A long-run perspective on French regional income inequality, 1860–2010
  5. Introduction
  6. Regional economic development in Europe, 1900–2010
  7. The Economic Development of Europe’s Regions
  8. The question of land access and the Spanish land reform of 1932
  9. Housing affordability during the urban transition in Spain
  10. Technology Transfer and the Early Development of the Cotton Textile Industry in Nineteenth Century Spain
  11. Coping with regional inequality in Sweden: structural change, migrations, and policy, 1860-2000
  13. The Long-Term Patterns of Regional Income Inequality in Spain, 1860–2000
  14. Land markets and agrarian backwardness (Spain, 1904-1934)
  15. Economic reforms and growth in Franco's Spain,
  16. Human capital and institutions: a long-run view - Edited by David Eltis, Frank D. Lewis, and Kenneth L. Sokoloff
  17. Human capital and economic growth in Spain, 1850–2000
  18. The upswing of regional income inequality in Spain (1860–1930)
  19. Capital accumulation in the long run: The case of Spain, 1850–2000
  20. The Sources of Long-Run Growth in Spain, 1850-2000
  21. Subcontracting and vertical integration in the Spanish cotton industry1
  22. Reseñas
  23. Globalization, Growth and Distribution in Spain 1500-1913
  24. Reseñas
  25. Alexander J. Field, Gregory Clark y William A. Sundstrom (eds). Research in Economic History 22. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2004, pp. 325.
  26. Regional wage convergence in Spain 1850–1930
  27. Why Isn't the Whole of Spain Industrialized? New Economic Geography and Early Industrialization, 1797–1910
  28. Rafael Domínguez Martín: La riqueza de las regiones. Las desigualdades económicas regionales en España, 1700–2000, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2002, 403 pp., contiene apéndices y bibliografía.
  29. Productividad, competencia e innovación en la banca privada española (1900–1914)
  30. Lee A. Craig y Douglas Fisher: The European Macroeconomy: Growth, Integration and Cycles, 1500–1913, Cheltenham, Gran Bretaña y Northampton, MA, Estados Unidos, Edward Elgar, 2000, xii + 389 pp., contiene índices y bibliografía, $ 120.
  31. La competitividad internacional de la industria algodonera española (1830–1860)
  32. Philippe Aghion y Peter Howitt: Endogenous Growth Theory, Cambridge (MA), MIT Press, 1997, 694 pp., contiene índices y bibliografía, 6.700 pesetas.
  33. José Luis García Ruiz (coordinador), Hilario Casado Alonso, Pedro Fatjó Gómez y Gregorio Núñez Romero-Balmas: Historia de la empresa mundial y de España, Madrid, Síntesis, 1998, 351 pp., gráficos y bibliografía.
  34. Measuring the contribution of human capital to the development of the Catalan factory system (1830-61)
  35. Bills of exchange as money: sources of monetary supply during the industrialisation of Catalonia, 1844–74
  36. Michael Huberman: Escape from the Market. Negotiating work in Lancashire, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Incluye bibliografía e índice temático y onomástico. Precio: 35 libras esterlinas.
  37. AB Asesores, Views on a Decade: The Spanish Economy and Financial System, 1984–1994 (Madrid: AB Asesores, 1994. 257 pp.)
  38. Aggregate growth, 1913–1950
  39. Regional Industrialisation without National Growth: The Catalan Industrialization and the Growth of Spanish Economy (1830-1861)
  40. Subcontracting and Vertical Integration in the Spanish Cotton Industry
  41. Globalization, Growth and Distribution in Spain 1500-1913