All Stories

  1. Geopolitical decoupling and global production networks: the case of Ukrainian industries after the 2014 Crimean annexation
  2. The role of assets and variegated constellations of organizational- and system-level agency in regional transformation
  3. Value creation and capture in the 300 largest companies in Czechia: What role does position in global production networks play?
  4. What drives the economic performance of suppliers in global value chains/global production networks – tier, ownership, size, specialization, or region?
  5. Value capture by companies of different ownership, tier, size, and distance to market: A cross‐sectoral analysis
  6. Towards an integrated framework of agency in regional development: the case of old industrial regions
  7. Global production networks and regional innovation systems: contrasting or complementary policy implications?
  8. The role of tier, ownership and size of companies in value creation and capture
  9. Industrial policy and automotive development: a comparative study of Thailand and Czechia
  10. Geography, ownership and uneven trends in the economic performance of small banking centres in Europe during the financial crisis
  11. The variegated role of proximities in acquisitions by domestic and international companies in different phases of economic cycles
  12. 1. What is Place-Based Policy?
  13. 2. What are the Benefits of Place-Based Policy?
  14. 3. Requirements and Challenges of Place-Based Policy
  15. 4. Outcomes of Place-Based Policy: What Works and What does not?
  16. 5. Conclusions: Questions Answered, Issues Remaining
  17. Executive Summary
  18. Key Recommendations
  19. Preamble
  20. Towards research impact: using place-based policy to develop new research methods for bridging the academic/policy divide
  21. The dark side of regional industrial path development: towards a typology of trajectories of decline
  22. The impacts of the global economic crisis and its aftermath on the banking centres of Europe
  23. Entrance-exit dynamics of suppliers and the repercussions for reshaping the structure of GVCs/GPNs
  24. The anatomy of difference: comprehending the evolutionary dynamics of economic and spatial structure in the Austrian and Czech economies
  25. The challenge of breaking the academia–business firewall in Czechia: comparing the role of differentiated knowledge bases in collaborative R&D projects
  26. Is there a credit-gap in a periphery? The perception of this problem by small entrepreneurs
  27. Can emerging regional innovation strategies in less developed European regions bridge the main gaps in the innovation process?
  28. Emerging regional innovation strategies in Central Europe: institutions and regional leadership in generating strategic outcomes
  29. Regional unemployment impacts of the global financial crisis in the new member states of the EU in Central and Eastern Europe
  30. Where Does the Knowledge for Knowledge-intensive Industries Come From? The Case of Biotech in Prague and ICT in Ostrava
  31. The Biotechnology Industry in the Prague Metropolitan Region: A Cluster within a Fragmented Innovation System?
  32. Regional Analysis of Public Capital Expenditure: To Which Regions Is Public Capital Expenditure Channelled – to ‘Rich’ or to ‘Poor’ Ones?
  33. Types and Systems of Actors in Regional Development: Their Function and Regulatory Potential
  34. Regional development of Prague, and application of the four-capital model to the issue of urban sprawl
  35. Ex-anteevaluation in the new member states: The case of the Czech Republic
  36. Changing local finances in the Czech Republic — half way over?