All Stories

  1. Unlocking nonlinear dynamics and multistability from intensive longitudinal data
  2. Quantifying the Stability Landscapes of Psychological Networks
  3. Unlocking nonlinear dynamics and multistability from intensive longitudinal data: A novel method
  4. From Metaphor to Computation: Constructing the Potential Landscape for Multivariate Psychological Formal Models
  5. Illuminating the Path: Examining the Research Methods of Early Warning Signals in Clinical Psychology through a Theoretical Lens
  6. Reciprocity in college teaching: a big data study based on online student evaluation of 919,750 professors
  7. simlandr: Simulation-Based Landscape Construction for Dynamical Systems
  8. From metaphor to computation: Constructing the potential landscape for multivariate psychological formal models
  9. Gender-related friend preferences of youths with different sexual orientations: the effects of gender role and sexual attraction