All Stories

  1. Timekeeping in the hindbrain: a multi-oscillatory circadian centre in the mouse dorsal vagal complex
  2. Clocks in the Wild: Entrainment to Natural Light
  3. Author Correction: The choroid plexus is an important circadian clock component
  4. Weak coupling between intracellular feedback loops explains dissociation of clock gene dynamics
  5. The kidney has circadian clock and it influences the circadian rhythm of the whole body.
  6. The choroid plexus is an important circadian clock component
  7. Strong Circadian Rhythms in the Choroid Plexus: Implications for Sleep-Independent Brain Metabolite Clearance
  8. Love and Hate of Two Circadian Clocks
  9. Moran’s I quantifies spatio-temporal pattern formation in neural imaging data
  10. Network Dynamics Mediate Circadian Clock Plasticity
  11. Constant light enhances synchrony among circadian clock cells and promotes behavioral rhythms in VPAC2-signaling deficient mice
  12. Autism spectrum disorder model mice: Focus on copy number variation and epigenetics
  13. DEC2–E4BP4 Heterodimer Represses the Transcriptional Enhancer Activity of the EE Element in the Per2 Promoter
  14. Distinct roles for GABA across multiple timescales in mammalian circadian timekeeping
  15. GABA-mediated repulsive coupling between circadian clock neurons in the SCN encodes seasonal time
  16. A Theoretical Study on Seasonality
  17. A Novel Protein, CHRONO, Functions as a Core Component of the Mammalian Circadian Clock
  18. Period Coding of Bmal1 Oscillators in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
  19. Genome-Wide Profiling of the Core Clock Protein BMAL1 Targets Reveals a Strict Relationship with Metabolism
  20. Rhythmic Serotonin N-Acetyltransferase mRNA Degradation Is Essential for the Maintenance of Its Circadian Oscillation