All Stories

  1. Mitigating laser imprint with a foam overcoating
  2. Electron density measurement via dual-angle Thomson scattering diagnosis
  3. The meaning of time-resolved Thomson scattering spectrum output from a grating spectrometer
  4. Recent research progress of laser plasma interactions in Shenguang laser facilities
  5. Improvement in Thomson scattering diagnostic precision via fitting the multiple-wavenumber spectra simultaneously
  6. Portable pulsed magnetic field generator for magnetized laser plasma experiments in low vacuum environments
  7. A new method to suppress the Rayleigh–Taylor instability in a linear device
  8. Two mode coupling of the ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities
  9. Research of shaped pulse driven hohlraum asymmetry by 2D X-ray radiography
  10. On the induced azimuthal electric field in the current drive of an odd-parity rotating magnetic field