All Stories

  1. ¿Gas natural, carbón o petróleo? Los determinantes del retraso de la transición energética en el norte de España, 1958-1974
  2. The Gas Industry of the North of Spain, c. 1845–1950
  3. Agency, Institutions and Regional Resilience: An Approach from the Basque Region
  4. Naval reconversion in Spain in the 1980s
  5. El papel de las políticas públicas en la resiliencia regional: un análisis exploratorio del caso del País Vasco
  6. ‘Moving up in the league’ with a little help from the state: The Spanish shipbuilding industry during the developmental Francoist regime
  7. Accounting for the resilience of the machine-tool industry in Spain (c. 1960–2015)
  8. Coping with Economic Crisis: Cluster Associations and Firm Performance in the Basque Country
  9. Path dependence and change in the Spanish port system in the long run (1880–2014): An historical perspective
  10. Exploring the role of leadership in territorial strategies for competitiveness
  11. Public policies and cluster life cycles: insights from the Basque Country experience
  12. Unfolding Cluster Evolution
  13. Academic Institutions as Change Agents for Territorial Development
  14. Do clusters follow the industry life cycle?
  15. Measuring structural social capital in a cluster policy network: insights from the Basque Country
  16. Hitler's Shadow Empire: Nazi Economics and the Spanish Civil War. ByPierpaolo Barbieri. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2015. 349 pp. Maps, illustrations, appendix, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-72885-1.
  17. Strategies for Shaping Territorial Competitiveness
  18. Path dependence in policies supporting smart specialisation strategies
  19. A holistic approach to regional strategies: The case of the Basque Country
  20. The Competitive Position of the Basque Aeroespatial Cluster in Global Value Chains: A Historical Analysis
  21. Cluster Life Cycles, Path Dependency and Regional Economic Development: Insights from a Meta-Study on Basque Clusters
  22. The World's Key Industry
  23. Interactive Learning for Innovation
  24. Social capital, internationalization and absorptive capacity: The electronics and ICT cluster of the Basque Country
  25. Reseñas
  26. Reseñas
  27. Building a Global Bank: The Transformation of Banco Santander. By Mauro F. Guillén and Adrian Tschoegl. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008. x + 266 pp. Figures, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-691-13125-2.
  28. Empresas y grupos empresariales en América Latina, España y Portugal [Firms and Business Groups in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal]. Edited by Mario Cerutti. Monterrey: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León-Universidad de Alicante, 2006. 372 pp. Tables...
  29. La familia Aznar y sus negocios (1830–1983). Cuatro generaciones de emprasarious en la España contemporánea: A Roundtable Response
  30. Spanish Shipping Firms in the Twentieth Century: Between the Internationalisation of the Market and the Nationalism of the State
  31. Trade, Colonies and Navigation Laws: The Flag Differential Duty and the International Competitiveness of Spanish Shipping in the Nineteenth Century
  32. Julio Tascón (dir.). Redes de empresas en España. Una perspectiva teórica, histórica y global. Madrid: LID Editorial Empresarial, 2005. Pp. 215.
  33. Grupos empresariales, marco institucional y desarrollo económico en España en el siglo XX: los negocios de la familia Aznar (c. 1937-c. 1983)
  34. Alberto Ramos Santana (coord.): Comercio y navegación entre España y Suecia (siglos X–XX), Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, 2000, 540 pp.
  35. Jesús M. Valdaliso y Santiago López: Historia económica de la empresa, Barcelona, Crítica, 2000.
  36. The Development of Modern Spain. An Economic History of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. ByGabriel Tortella (translated by Valerie Herr). Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000. 544 pp. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN 0-674-00094-3.
  37. The Rise of Specialist Firms in Spanish Shipping and Their Strategies of Growth, 1860 to 1930
  38. Jesús María Valdaliso: La navegación regular de cabotaje en España en los siglos XIX y XX: guerras de fletes, conferencias y consorcios navieros, Vitoria, Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco, 1997.
  39. La historia empresarial en España. Orígenes, desarrollo y controversias respecto a una nueva disciplina
  40. Richard N. Langlois y Paul L. Robertson: Firms, Markets, and Economie Change. A Dynamic Theory of Business Institutions. Routledge, Londres, 1995, 185 pp.
  41. Frank Broeze: Mr. Brooks and the Australian Trade. Imperial Business in the Nineteenth Century, Melbourne University Press, 1993, 375 pp.
  42. Spanish Shipowners in the British Mirror: Patterns of Investment, Ownership and Finance in the Bilbao Shipping Industry, 1879–1913
  43. Algunas reflexiones acerca de la Historia empresarial y su desarrollo en España
  44. La transición de la vela al vapor en la flota mercante española: cambio técnico y estrategia empresarial
  45. Growth and Modernization of the Spanish Merchant Marine, 1860–1935
  46. Grupos empresariales e inversion de capital en Vizcaya, 1886–1913
  47. Business Groups and Entrepreneurial Families in Southern Europe
  48. Introduction
  49. Social Capital, Knowledge, and Competitiveness