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  1. Exploring cognitive support use and preference by college students with TBI: A mixed-methods study
  2. Ecologically Valid Assessment of Prospective Memory for Task Planning and Execution by Adults With Acquired Brain Injury
  3. Effect of Message Type on the Visual Attention of Adults With Traumatic Brain Injury
  4. Using self-captured photographs to support the expressive communication of people with aphasia
  5. Functional assessment of immediate task planning and execution by adults with acquired brain injury
  6. Reading recovery: a case study using a multicomponent treatment for acquired alexia
  7. Reading experiences and use of supports by people with chronic aphasia
  8. High-context images: Comprehension of main, background, and inferential information by people with aphasia
  9. Let the games begin: A preliminary study usingAttention Process Training-3andLumosity™ brain games to remediate attention deficits following traumatic brain injury