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  1. From marginal to conditional probability functions of parameters in a conceptual rainfall–runoff model: an event-based approach
  2. Peut-on estimer les flux polluants rejetés par un déversoir à partir des flux polluants mesurés en entrée de station d’épuration?
  3. Application of stormwater mass–volume curve prediction for water quality-based real-time control in sewer systems
  4. Pharmaceuticals and detergents in hospital and urban wastewater: comparative monitoring, treatment, and assessment of impacts
  5. Performances hydrologiques de trois toitures végétalisées différentes
  6. Typology of the flow structures in dividing open channel flows
  7. Calibration of UV/Vis spectrophotometers: A review and comparison of different methods to estimate TSS and total and dissolved COD concentrations in sewers, WWTPs and rivers
  8. Using a Bayesian approach to improve and calibrate a dynamic model of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation in an industrial contaminated soil
  9. Design and performance evaluation of a simplified dynamic model for combined sewer overflows in pumped sewer systems
  10. Influence of sampling intake position on suspended solid measurements in sewers: two probability/time-series-based approaches
  11. Comparaison de différentes solutions de gestion des eaux pluviales dans un projet d’aménagement
  12. Measurement of sewer sediments with acoustic technology: from laboratory to field experiments
  13. Une nouvelle structure d'écoulement en bifurcation à surface libre
  14. Source characterisation and loads of metals and pesticides in urban wet weather discharges
  15. Rhodamine WT tracer experiments to check flow measurements in sewers
  16. Influence of local calibration on the quality of online wet weather discharge monitoring: feedback from five international case studies
  17. SUDS, LID, BMPs, WSUD and more – The evolution and application of terminology surrounding urban drainage
  18. Simplified hydraulic model of French vertical-flow constructed wetlands
  19. Comparison of two model based approaches for areal rainfall estimation in urban hydrology
  20. Computational fluid dynamics modelling of flow and particulate contaminants sedimentation in an urban stormwater detention and settling basin
  21. Modélisation numérique 3D de la décantation et de la remise en suspension des polluants particulaires en régime transitoire dans un bassin de retenue-décantation des eaux pluviales
  22. Separately accounting for uncertainties in rainfall and runoff: Calibration of event-based conceptual hydrological models in small urban catchments using Bayesian method
  23. Modélisation tridimensionnelle des écoulements multiphasiques en régime instationnaire au droit d’ouvrages spéciaux présents en réseau d’assainissement : performances des modèles et analyse de sensibilité
  24. Input variable selection and calibration data selection for storm water quality regression models
  25. Accuracy of different sensors for the estimation of pollutant concentrations (total suspended solids, total and dissolved chemical oxygen demand) in wastewater and stormwater
  26. A priori assessment of ecotoxicological risks linked to building a hospital
  27. The use of long-term on-line turbidity measurements for the calculation of urban stormwater pollutant concentrations, loads, pollutographs and intra-event fluxes
  28. Experiments and 3D simulations of flow structures in junctions and their influence on location of flowmeters
  29. A unified protocol for sensor calibration and verification in applications of WWTPs and sewer systems monitoring
  30. On calibration data selection: The case of stormwater quality regression models
  31. Standardized uncertainty analysis for hydrometry: a review of relevant approaches and implementation examples
  32. Assessing uncertainties in urban drainage models
  33. A new empirical model for stormwater TSS event mean concentrations (EMCs)
  34. Modélisation numérique 3D des écoulements turbulents à surface libre chargés en polluants particulaires dans un bassin de retenue-décantation des eaux pluviales
  35. Verification des mesures de débit en réseau d’assainissement par traçage à la Rhodamine WT
  36. Assessing dry weather flow contribution in TSS and COD storm events loads in combined sewer systems
  37. Implications of long-term stormwater quality modelling for design of combined sewer infrastructure
  38. Optimisation of pressurised liquid extraction for the ultra-trace quantification of 20 priority substances from the European Water Framework Directive in atmospheric particles by GC–MS and LC–FLD–MS/MS
  39. From mess to mass: a methodology for calculating storm event pollutant loads with their uncertainties, from continuous raw data time series
  40. Calibration of stormwater quality regression models: a random process?
  41. Traitement de séries chronologiques de turbidité continues à court pas de temps pour l’estimation des masses de MES et de DCO rejetées en milieu urbain par temps de pluie
  42. Assessing infiltration and exfiltration on the Performance of Urban Sewer Systems (APUSS)
  43. Incertitudes sur un mesurande défini comme une valeur intégrée d'un signal continu discrétisé en fonction du temps - Application aux mesures hydrologiques enregistrées in situ
  44. Validation et critique des résultats de mesure en hydrologie urbaine
  45. Numerical simulation of flushing effect on sewer sediments and comparison of four sediment transport formulas
  46. Mesurages en continu des flux polluants particulaires en réseaux d’assainissement urbains : enjeux, méthodes, exemple d’application
  47. Benefits, limitations and uncertainty of in situ spectrometry
  48. Reproducibility and uncertainty of wastewater turbidity measurements
  49. Evaluation of uncertainties in settling velocities of particles in urban stormwater runoff
  50. Partial Least Squares local calibration of a UV–visible spectrometer used for in situ measurements of COD and TSS concentrations in urban drainage systems
  51. Comparison of and uncertainties in raw sewage COD measurements by laboratory techniques and field UV-visible spectrometry
  52. De l’utilisation pertinente des modèles de calcul des flux polluants en réseaux d’assainissement urbains
  53. Utilisation des modèles de calcul des flux polluants en assainissement – Résultats d’une enquête en France
  54. Stormwater pollutant loads modelling: epistemological aspects and case studies on the influence of field data sets on calibration and verification
  55. Design of a retention tank: comparison of stormwater quality models with various levels of complexity
  56. Long term monitoring of sewer sediment accumulation and flushing experiments in a man-entry sewer
  57. Mesure et modélisation de l'accumulation des sédiments dans un collecteur d'assainissement unitaire
  58. Uncertainties and Representativity of Measurements in Stormwater Storage Tanks
  59. Sizing Ratios for Stormwater Treatment Facilities
  60. Modélisation des flux polluants en hydrologie urbaine : évolutions depuis les années 1960 et perspectives pour les années 2000
  61. Uncertainties, performance indicators and decision aid applied to stormwater facilities
  62. Estimation des incertitudes de mesure sur les débits et les charges polluantes en réseau d'assainissement : application au cas d'un bassin de retenue-décantation en réseau séparatif pluvial
  63. Need for improved methodologies and measurements for sustainable management of urban water systems
  64. Characterisation and settling of solids in an open, grassed, stormwater sewer network detention basin
  65. Numerical modelling of bed load sediment traps in sewer systems by density currents
  66. sewer process modelling?
  67. Distribution of pollutant mass vs volume in stormwater discharges and the first flush phenomenon
  68. Analysis of the methods for determining the settling characteristics of sewage and stormwater solids
  69. Caractérisation et traitabilité des sous-produits solides de l'assainissement pluvial
  70. Optimisation de la décantation des rejets urbains de temps de pluie dans les bassins de retenue contre les inondations
  71. Ammonia removal and discharges during storm events: Integrated approach for a small wwtp and associated CSOs
  72. Methods for determining the settling velocity profiles of solids in storm sewage
  73. Neural networks for solid transport modelling in sewer systems during storm events
  74. STORMNET: A connectionist model for dynamic management of wastewater treatment plants during storm events
  75. The first flush in sewer systems
  76. Two experimental sediment traps: Operation and solids characteristics
  77. Flow and pollutant measurements in a combined sewer system to operate a wastewater treatment plant and its storage tank during storm events
  78. Discussion
  79. Sewer sediment production and transport modelling: A literature review
  80. Modélisation du transport solide en réseau d'assainissement unitaire : le modèle HYPOCRAS