All Stories

  1. Categorization of precipitation for predicting combined sewer overflows. Application to the City of Montréal
  2. β-D-glucuronidase activity triggered monitoring of fecal contamination using microbial and chemical source tracking markers at drinking water intakes
  3. Assessing the vulnerability of urban drinking water intakes to water scarcity under global change: A bottom-up approach
  4. Persistence of endogenous RNA biomarkers of SARS-CoV-2 and PMMoV in raw wastewater: Impact of temperature and implications for wastewater-based epidemiology
  5. Changes in Escherichia coli to enteric protozoa ratios in rivers: Implications for risk-based assessment of drinking water treatment requirements
  6. Comparison of approaches to quantify SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater using RT-qPCR: Results and implications from a collaborative inter-laboratory study in Canada
  7. Automated Targeted Sampling of Waterborne Pathogens and Microbial Source Tracking Markers Using Near-Real Time Monitoring of Microbiological Water Quality
  8. Using surrogate data to assess risks associated with microbial peak events in source water at drinking water treatment plants
  9. Demonstrating the reduction of enteric viruses by drinking water treatment during snowmelt episodes in urban areas
  10. Impact of climate change on the vulnerability of drinking water intakes in a northern region
  11. Impact of Hydrometeorological Events for the Selection of Parametric Models for Protozoan Pathogens in Drinking‐Water Sources
  12. Importance of Distributional Forms for the Assessment of Protozoan Pathogens Concentrations in Drinking‐Water Sources
  13. Automated online monitoring of fecal pollution in water by enzymatic methods
  14. Near real-time notification of water quality impairments in recreational freshwaters using rapid online detection of β-D-glucuronidase activity as a surrogate for Escherichia coli monitoring
  15. Can routine monitoring of E. coli fully account for peak event concentrations at drinking water intakes in agricultural and urban rivers?
  16. Tracking the contribution of multiple raw and treated wastewater discharges at an urban drinking water supply using near real-time monitoring of β-d-glucuronidase activity
  17. Precipitation effects on parasite, indicator bacteria, and wastewater micropollutant loads from a water resource recovery facility influent and effluent
  18. Autonomous online measurement of β-D-glucuronidase activity in surface water: is it suitable for rapid E. coli monitoring?
  19. Temporal variability of parasites, bacterial indicators, and wastewater micropollutants in a water resource recovery facility under various weather conditions
  20. How does the cladoceran Daphnia pulex affect the fate of Escherichia coli in water?
  21. Fine-Scale Spatial Heterogeneity in the Distribution of Waterborne Protozoa in a Drinking Water Reservoir
  22. Spatial and temporal distribution of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in a drinking water resource: Implications for monitoring and risk assessment
  23. Novel quantitative TaqMan real-time PCR assays for detection of Cryptosporidium at the genus level and genotyping of major human and cattle-infecting species
  24. Two-year monitoring of Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia occurrence in a recreational and drinking water reservoir using standard microscopic and molecular biology techniques