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  1. Maintenance of soil ecotypes of Solidago virgaurea in close parapatry via divergent flowering time and selection against immigrants
  2. Development of 15 nuclear EST microsatellite markers for the paleoendemic conifer Pherosphaera hookeriana (Podocarpaceae)
  3. Development of nuclear microsatellite markers for the Japanese conifers Tsuga diversifolia and T. sieboldii (Pinaceae)
  4. Fire is a major driver of patterns of genetic diversity in two co-occurring Tasmanian palaeoendemic conifers
  5. Environmental niche modelling fails to predict Last Glacial Maximum refugia: niche shifts, microrefugia or incorrect palaeoclimate estimates?
  6. Whole range and regional-based ecological niche models predict differing exposure to 21st century climate change in the key cool temperate rainforest tree southern beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii)
  7. Outcrossing rates and organelle inheritance estimated from two natural populations of the Japanese endemic conifer Sciadopitys verticillata
  8. Conflict in outcomes for conservation based on population genetic diversity and genetic divergence approaches: a case study in the Japanese relictual conifer Sciadopitys verticillata (Sciadopityaceae)
  9. Northern richness and southern poverty: contrasting genetic footprints of glacial refugia in the relictual treeSciadopitys verticillata(Coniferales: Sciadopityaceae)
  10. Low but structured chloroplast diversity in Atherosperma moschatum (Atherospermataceae) suggests bottlenecks in response to the Pleistocene glacials
  11. Chloroplast evidence for geographic stasis of the Australian bird-dispersed shrub Tasmannia lanceolata (Winteraceae)
  12. The major Australian cool temperate rainforest treeNothofagus cunninghamiiwithstood Pleistocene glacial aridity within multiple regions: evidence from the chloroplast