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  1. Implications for cisgender female underrepresentation, small sample sizes, and misgendering in sport and exercise science research
  2. Effects of nutritional and hydration strategies during ultramarathon events between finishers and non-finishers: A systematic review protocol
  3. Concurrent heart rate validity of wearable technology devices during trail running
  4. Relation Between Relative Handgrip Strength, Chronological Age and Physiological Age with Lower Functional Capacity in Older Women
  5. Effect of exercise in a desert environment on physiological and subjective measures
  6. Understanding the influence of perceived fatigue on coordination during endurance running
  7. Autonomy enhances running efficiency
  8. Wearable Device Validity in Determining Step Count During Hiking and Trail Running
  9. Caffeine affects CD8+ lymphocyte apoptosis and migration differently in naïve and familiar individuals following moderate intensity exercise
  10. Decreased functional capacity and muscle strength in elderly women with metabolic syndrome
  11. Association of body composition with sarcopenic obesity in elderly women
  12. Exercise Intensity and Lymphocyte Subset Apoptosis