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  1. Effect of Liothyronine Treatment on Dermal Temperature and Activation of Brown Adipose Tissue in Female Hypothyroid Patients: A Randomized Crossover Study
  2. Multicentre service evaluation of presentation of newly diagnosed cancers and type 1 diabetes in children in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic
  3. A multi-centre service evaluation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on presentation of newly diagnosed cancers and type 1 diabetes in children in the UK
  4. Semi-automated analysis of supraclavicular thermal images increases speed of brown adipose tissue analysis without increasing variation in results
  5. Reduced brown adipose tissue‐associated skin temperature following cold stimulation in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
  6. Paediatric random glucose requests in primary care
  7. Remission rates, demographics and outcomes of paediatric patients with type 2 diabetes at a single centre: 2006-2018
  8. Specially identified patients (SIPs) - how do they work?
  9. TSH-Receptor testing in pregnancy allows stratification of risk of neonatal thyrotoxicosis and promotes earlier discharge
  10. Brown Adipose Tissue Response to Cold Stimulation Is Reduced in Girls With Autoimmune Hypothyroidism
  11. Sexual Dimorphism of Brown Adipose Tissue Function
  12. Caffeine exposure induces browning features in adipose tissue in vitro and in vivo
  13. Brown adipose tissue development and function and its impact on reproduction
  14. Low temperature exposure induces browning of bone marrow stem cell derived adipocytes in vitro
  15. Infrared Thermography
  16. Measuring brown fat using heat-sensitive cameras
  17. Measuring heat signatures in the neck is an effective way to measure brown fat compared to PET/CT
  18. Glucocorticoids modulate human brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in vivo
  19. Brown adipose tissue activation as measured by infrared thermography by mild anticipatory psychological stress in lean healthy females
  20. The influence of sex steroids on adipose tissue growth and function