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  1. Robust Measurements of n -Point Correlation Functions of Driven-Dissipative Quantum Systems on a Digital Quantum Computer
  2. Single-Shot Factorization Approach to Bound States in Quantum Mechanics
  3. How to measure the momentum of single quanta
  4. Efficient Application of the Factorized form of the Unitary Coupled-Cluster Ansatz for the Variational Quantum Eigensolver Algorithm by Using Linear Combination of Unitaries
  5. Electronic Mechanism that Quenches Field-Driven Heating as Illustrated with the Static Holstein Model
  6. The Laplace Method for Energy Eigenvalue Problems in Quantum Mechanics
  7. Continuum Energy Eigenstates via the Factorization Method
  8. Nonequilibrium spectral moment sum rules of the Holstein–Hubbard model
  9. Fixed Depth Hamiltonian Simulation via Cartan Decomposition
  10. Determining Ground-State Phase Diagrams on Quantum Computers via a Generalized Application of Adiabatic State Preparation
  11. Operator Relationship between Conventional Coupled Cluster and Unitary Coupled Cluster
  12. Real-time evolution of static electron-phonon models in time-dependent electric fields
  13. Flexibility of the factorized form of the unitary coupled cluster Ansatz
  14. Cartesian Operator Factorization Method for Hydrogen
  15. Decomposition of high-rank factorized unitary coupled-cluster operators using ancilla and multiqubit controlled low-rank counterparts
  16. A physicist's guide to the solution of Kummer's equation and confluent hypergeometric functions
  17. Exact solution of two simple non-equilibrium electron-phonon and electron-electron coupled systems: The atomic limit of the Holstein-Hubbard model and the generalized Hatsugai-Komoto model
  18. Native multiqubit Toffoli gates on ion trap quantum computers
  19. Many-body thermodynamics on quantum computers via partition function zeros
  20. What do the two times in two-time correlation functions mean for interpreting tr-ARPES?
  21. Converting translation operators into plane polar and spherical coordinates and their use in determining quantum-mechanical wavefunctions in a representation-independent fashion
  22. Schrödinger’s original quantum–mechanical solution for hydrogen
  23. Algebraic derivation of Kramers–Pasternack relations based on the Schrödinger factorization method
  24. Driven-dissipative quantum mechanics on a lattice: Simulating a fermionic reservoir on a quantum computer
  25. Minimal effective Gibbs ansatz: A simple protocol for extracting an accurate thermal representation for quantum simulation
  26. Comparison Between the f-Electron and Conduction-Electron Density of States in the Falicov-Kimball Model at Low Temperature
  27. Proving the existence of bound states for attractive potentials in one-dimension and two-dimensions without calculus
  28. Theoretical description of pump/probe experiments in electron-mediated charge-density-wave insulators
  29. Infinite single-particle bandwidth of a Mott–Hubbard insulator
  30. Creating analogs of thermal distributions from diabatic excitations in ion-trap-based quantum simulation
  31. Nonperturbative calculation of phonon effects on spin squeezing
  32. Nonequilibrium response of an electron-mediated charge density wave ordered material to a large dc electric field
  33. Nonequilibrium Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for the Charge-Density-Wave Phase of the Falicov-Kimball Model
  34. Feshbach modulation spectroscopy of the Fermi-Hubbard model
  35. Estimating the ground-state probability of a quantum simulation with product-state measurements
  36. Thermoelectricity in tunneling nanostructures
  37. Theoretical basis for quantum simulation with a planar ionic crystal in a Penning trap using a triangular rotating wall
  38. Gauge invariance in the theoretical description of time-resolved angle-resolved pump/probe photoemission spectroscopy
  39. Current Biasing a Multilayered Device as a Boundary Condition for Inhomogeneous Nonequilibrium Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
  40. Long-lived nonequilibrium states in the Hubbard model with an electric field
  41. Transport in Multilayered Nanostructures
  42. Robust finite-temperature disordered Mott-insulating phases in inhomogeneous Fermi-Fermi mixtures with density and mass imbalance
  43. Universal thermopower of bad metals
  44. Ubiquity of linear resistivity at intermediate temperature in bad metals
  45. Creation of two-dimensional Coulomb crystals of ions in oblate Paul traps for quantum simulations
  46. Diabatic-ramping spectroscopy of many-body excited states
  47. Intrinsic anharmonic effects on the phonon frequencies and effective spin-spin interactions in a quantum simulator made from trapped ions in a linear Paul trap
  48. Beyond Planck-Einstein quanta: Amplitude-driven quantum excitation
  49. Publisher's Note: Effect of dynamical spectral weight redistribution on effective interactions in time-resolved spectroscopy [Phys. Rev. B90, 075126 (2014)]
  50. Effect of dynamical spectral weight redistribution on effective interactions in time-resolved spectroscopy
  51. Exact solution for Bloch oscillations of a simple charge-density-wave insulator
  52. Nonequilibrium “Melting” of a Charge Density Wave Insulator via an Ultrafast Laser Pulse
  53. Thermalization of field driven quantum systems
  54. Theoretical description of coherent doublon creation via lattice modulation spectroscopy
  55. Examining Electron-Boson Coupling Using Time-Resolved Spectroscopy
  56. Strong-coupling expansion for ultracold bosons in an optical lattice at finite temperatures in the presence of superfluidity
  57. Electron-Mediated Relaxation Following Ultrafast Pumping of Strongly Correlated Materials: Model Evidence of a Correlation-Tuned Crossover between Thermal and Nonthermal States
  58. Emergence and Frustration of Magnetism with Variable-Range Interactions in a Quantum Simulator
  59. Theoretical description of high-order harmonic generation in solids
  60. Spectral moment sum rules for the retarded Green's function and self-energy of the inhomogeneous Bose-Hubbard model in equilibrium and nonequilibrium
  61. Phonon-mediated quantum spin simulator employing a planar ionic crystal in a Penning trap
  62. Quasiuniversal Transient Behavior of a Nonequilibrium Mott Insulator Driven by an Electric Field
  63. Pulsed high harmonic generation of light due to pumped Bloch oscillations in noninteracting metals
  64. Intrinsic phonon effects on analog quantum simulators with ultracold trapped ions
  65. Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in a Mott insulator
  66. Many-body effects on the capacitance of multilayers made from strongly correlated materials
  67. Spectroscopy and Thermometry of Drumhead Modes in a Mesoscopic Trapped-Ion Crystal Using Entanglement
  68. Erratum: Strong-coupling expansion for the momentum distribution of the Bose-Hubbard model with benchmarking against exact numerical results [Phys. Rev. A79, 053631 (2009)]
  69. Quantum simulation of the transverse Ising model with trapped ions
  70. Momentum distribution and ordering in mixtures of ultracold light- and heavy-fermion atoms
  71. Changing repulsion into attraction with the quantum Hippy Hippy Shake
  72. Density-wave patterns for fermionic dipolar molecules on a square optical lattice: Mean-field-theory analysis
  73. Effect of vertex corrections on longitudinal transport through multilayered nanostructures: Dynamical mean-field theory approach applied to the inhomogeneous Falicov-Kimball model
  74. Lanczos-based Low-Rank Correction Method for Solving the Dyson Equation in Inhomogenous Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
  75. Low-temperature transport properties of TaxN thin films (0.72 ⩽ x ⩽ 0.83)
  76. Resonant Raman scattering effects in a nesting-driven charge-density-wave insulator: Exact analysis of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model with dynamical mean-field theory
  77. Erratum: Inhomogeneous spectral moment sum rules for the retarded Green function and self-energy of strongly correlated electrons or ultracold fermionic atoms in optical lattices [Phys. Rev. B80, 115119 (2009)]
  78. Guilty as charged
  79. Quantum simulation of frustrated Ising spins with trapped ions
  80. Efficiently Generalizing Ultra-Cold Atomic Simulations via Inhomogeneous Dynamical Mean-Field Theory from Two- to Three-Dimensions
  81. Time-resolved photoemission of correlated electrons driven out of equilibrium
  82. Improving the efficiency of ultracold dipolar molecule formation by first loading onto an optical lattice
  83. Impurity problems for steady-state nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory
  84. Momentum distribution of the insulating phases of the extended Bose-Hubbard model
  85. Dynamical mean-field theory for light-fermion–heavy-boson mixtures on optical lattices
  86. Appearance of “Fragile” Fermi Liquids in Finite-Width Mott Insulators Sandwiched between Metallic Leads
  87. Optimizing Pre-formed Molecules in Mixtures of Ultracold 40K and 87Rb on an Optical Lattice: A Challenge Grant and Capabilities Application Project
  88. Strong-coupling expansion for the momentum distribution of the Bose-Hubbard model with benchmarking against exact numerical results
  89. Theoretical description of time‐resolved pump/probe photoemission in TaS2: a single‐band DFT+DMFT(NRG) study within the quasiequilibrium approximation
  90. Theoretical Description of Time-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy: Application to Pump-Probe Experiments
  91. Steady-State Nonequilibrium Density of States of Driven Strongly Correlated Lattice Models in Infinite Dimensions
  92. F-electron spectral function of the Falicov-Kimball model and the Wiener-Hopf sum equation approach
  93. Pattern Formation in Mixtures of Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices
  94. Enhancement of thermal transport in the degenerate periodic Anderson model
  95. Effect of anisotropic hopping on the Bose-Hubbard model phase diagram: Strong-coupling perturbation theory on a square lattice
  96. Nonequilibrium sum rules for the retarded self-energy of strongly correlated electrons
  97. Quenching Bloch oscillations in a strongly correlated material: Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory
  98. Optical and dc-transport properties of a strongly correlated charge-density-wave system: Exact solution in the ordered phase of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model with dynamical mean-field theory
  99. Modeling Mixtures of Different Mass Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices: An Illustration of High Efficiency and Linear Scaling on the Cray XT4 via a Capability Applications Project at ERDC
  100. Relationship between the thermopower and entropy of strongly correlated electron systems
  101. Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory of strongly correlated electrons
  102. Enhancement of thermoelectric performance in strongly correlated multilayered nanostructures
  103. Enhancement of thermoelectric performance in strongly correlated multilayered nanostructures
  104. Transient Response of Strongly Correlated materials to Large Electric Fields: Utilizing the Large Memory Capacity of ARSC's Midnight Machine in a Capability Applications Project
  105. Electronic charge reconstruction of doped Mott insulators in multilayered nanostructures
  106. Nonequilibrium perturbation theory of the spinless Falicov-Kimball model: Second-order truncated expansion inU
  107. Electronic thermal transport in strongly correlated multilayered nanostructures
  108. Nonequilibrium Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
  109. Transport in Multilayered Nanostructures
  110. Nonlinear Response of Strongly Correlated Materials to Large Electric Fields
  111. Erratum: Spectral moment sum rules for strongly correlated electrons in time-dependent electric fields [Phys. Rev. B73, 075108 (2006)]
  112. Thouless energy as a unifying concept for Josephson junctions tuned through the Mott metal-insulator transition
  113. Sum rules for inelastic light scattering in the Hubbard model
  114. Thermoelectricity of intermetallics
  115. Spectral moment sum rules for strongly correlated electrons in time-dependent electric fields
  116. Transport in Multilayered Nanostructures - The Dynamical Mean-Field Theory Approach
  117. Optical Sum Rules that Relate to the Potential Energy of Strongly Correlated Systems
  118. Resonant electronic Raman scattering near a quantum critical point
  119. F-electron spectral function of the Falicov-Kimball model in infinite dimensions: The half-filled case
  120. Strongly correlated multilayered nanostructures near the Mott transition
  121. Dynamical mean-field theory for strongly correlated inhomogeneous multilayered nanostructures
  122. Resonant Enhancement of Inelastic Light Scattering in Strongly Correlated Materials
  123. Effect of Particle-Hole Asymmetry on the Mott-Hubbard Metal-Insulator Transition
  124. Crossover from tunneling to incoherent (bulk) transport in a correlated nanostructure
  125. Phase Separation due to Quantum Mechanical Correlations
  126. Optimizing thermal transport in the Falicov-Kimball model: The binary-alloy picture
  127. Exact dynamical mean-field theory of the Falicov-Kimball model
  128. Charge-density-wave order parameter of the Falicov-Kimball model in infinite dimensions
  129. Erratum: Tuning a Josephson junction through a quantum critical point [Phys. Rev. B64, 054511 (2001)]
  130. Inelastic x-ray scattering as a probe of electronic correlations
  131. Superconductor-correlated metal-superconductor Josephson junctions: An optimized class for high speed digital electronics
  132. Equivalence of the Falicov-Kimball and Brandt-Mielsch forms for the free energy of the infinite-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model
  133. Application of the multicomponent Falicov–Kimball model to intermediate‐valence materials: YbInCu4 and EuNi2(Si1–xGex)2
  135. Inelastic X-Ray Scattering in Correlated Mott Insulators
  136. Inelastic Light Scattering and the Correlated Metal-Insulator Transition
  137. Erratum:  Thermal transport in the Falicov-Kimball model [Phys. Rev. B64, 245118 (2002)]
  138. Stripe Phases in the Two-Dimensional Falicov-Kimball Model
  139. Phase separation in the combined Falicov-Kimball and static Holstein model
  140. Nonconstant electronic density of states tunneling inversion for A15 superconductors:Nb
  141. Segregation in the Falicov--Kimball Model
  142. Phase Separation due to Quantum Mechanical Correlations
  144. Suppression of the “Quasiclassical” Proximity Gap in Correlated-Metal–Superconductor Structures
  145. Equilibrium properties of double-screened dipole-barrierSINISJosephson junctions
  146. Thermal transport in the Falicov-Kimball model
  147. Exact theory for electronic Raman scattering of correlated materials in infinite dimensions
  148. Intrinsic reduction of Josephson critical current in short ballistic SNS weak links
  149. Dynamical mean-field theory of an Ising double-exchange model with diagonal disorder
  150. Exact solution of the multicomponent Falicov-Kimball model in infinite dimensions
  151. Raman scattering through a metal-insulator transition
  153. First-principles determination of superconducting properties of metals
  154. Segregation and charge-density-wave order in the spinless Falicov-Kimball model
  155. Competition between Phase Separation and “Classical” Intermediate Valence in an Exactly Solved Model
  156. Evidence for exhaustion in the conductivity of the infinite-dimensional periodic Anderson model
  157. Possible experimentally observable effects of vertex corrections in superconductors
  158. Anomalous magnetic response of the spin-one-half Falicov-Kimball model
  159. Low-Temperature Coherence in the Periodic Anderson Model: Predictions for Photoemission of Heavy Fermions
  160. The Anharmonic Electron-Phonon Problem [Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 4588 (1996)]
  161. The quantum world around us: Teaching quantum & solid-state physics to non-science majors
  162. The Anharmonic Electron-Phonon Problem
  163. Strong-coupling expansions for the anharmonic Holstein model and for the Holstein-Hubbard model
  164. Phase separation in the binary-alloy problem: The one-dimensional spinless Falicov-Kimball model
  165. Strong-coupling expansions for the pure and disordered Bose-Hubbard model
  166. Vertex-corrected tunneling inversion in superconductors
  167. Competition between Electron-Phonon Attraction and Weak Coulomb Repulsion
  168. Optical conductivity of the infinite-dimensional Hubbard model
  169. Ground state of a general electron-phonon Hamiltonian is a spin singlet
  170. Magnetic Phase Diagram of the Hubbard Model
  171. Anomalous normal-state properties of high-Tcsuperconductors: intrinsic properties of strongly correlated electron systems?
  172. Vertex corrections to the theory of superconductivity
  173. Iterated perturbation theory for the attractive Holstein and Hubbard models
  174. Conserving approximations for the attractive Holstein and Hubbard models
  175. Phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard Model
  176. Weak-coupling expansions for the attractive Holstein and Hubbard models
  177. The Electron-Phonon Problem in Infinite Dimensions
  178. Simulation of the Electron-Phonon Interaction in Infinite Dimensions
  179. Local approximation to the spinless Falicov-Kimball model
  180. Holstein model in infinite dimensions
  181. Strong-coupling expansions for the attractive Holstein and Hubbard models
  182. Spinless Falicov-Kimball model (annealed binary alloy) from large to small dimensions
  183. Electronic Structure of Highly Correlated Systems
  184. Heavy-fermion systems in magnetic fields: The metamagnetic transition
  185. Thermodynamic model of the insulator-metal transition in nickel iodide
  186. Hidden symmetries of finite-size clusters with periodic boundary conditions
  187. Enlarged symmetry groups of finite-size clusters with periodic noundary conditions
  188. Exact solutions of frustrated ordinary and chiral eight-site Hubbard models
  189. Electron correlations in solid state physics
  190. Exact many-body solution of the periodic-clustert-t’-Jmodel for cubic systems: Ground-state properties
  191. Two-state one-dimensional spinless Fermi gas
  192. Dephasing effects in a two-dimensional magnetic-breakdown linked-orbit network: Magnesium
  193. Conformal deformation by the currents of affine g
  194. Nonequilibrium Density Of States And Distribution Functions For Strongly Correlated Materials Across The Mott Transition
  195. Real-Time Formalism for Studying the Nonlinear Response of "Smart" Materials to an Electric Field