All Stories

  1. Undisclosed presence of methylisothiazolinone in ‘100% natural’ Konjac® sponge
  2. 2-Amino-4-hydroxyethylaminoanisole sulfate - a coupler causing contact allergy from use in hair dyes
  3. Generalized allergic contact dermatitis caused by methylisothiazolinone in a spray tan
  4. Phenylephrine is a frequent cause of periorbital allergic contact dermatitis
  5. Undisclosed methylisothiazolinone in an ultrasound gel causing occupational allergic contact dermatitis
  6. Further evidence of the methylisothiazolinone epidemic
  7. Airborne allergic contact dermatitis caused by methylisothiazolinone in a child sensitized from wet wipes
  8. Outcome of a second patch test reading of TRUE Tests® on D6/7
  9. Allergic contact dermatitis caused by the emulsifier triceteareth-4-phosphate
  10. Nanotechnology and Skin
  11. A study of the enhanced sensitizing capacity of a contact allergen in lipid vesicle formulations
  12. Encapsulating contact allergens in liposomes, ethosomes, and polycaprolactone may affect their sensitizing properties
  13. Percutaneous penetration characteristics and release kinetics of contact allergens encapsulated in ethosomes
  14. Ethosome formulation of contact allergens may enhance patch test reactions in patients*
  15. Ethosome Formulations of Known Contact Allergens can Increase their Sensitizing Capacity
  16. Pyoderma gangraenosum as a complication to knee arthroscopy
  17. Contact sensitization to metronidazole from possible occupational exposure
  18. Trichotillomania in Early Childhood--a Report of two Cases with a Peculiar Habit
  19. Allergic contact dermatitis to topical metronidazole ? 3 cases
  20. Tetrahydrobiopterin precursor sepiapterin provides protection against neurotoxicity of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium in nigral slice cultures