All Stories

  1. Using Stories to Improve Fraud Detection
  2. Visualization of Big Data in Financial Statement Audits
  3. Unanticipated effects of restricted stock on managers' risky investment decisions
  4. Material Control Weakness Corrections: The Enduring Effects of Trust in Management
  5. Will Disclosure of Friendship Ties between Directors and CEOs Yield Perverse Effects?
  6. The influence of director stock ownership and board discussion transparency on financial reporting quality
  7. Chief Audit Executives' Evaluations of Whistle-Blowing Allegations
  8. Internal audit reporting lines, fraud risk decomposition, and assessments of fraud risk
  9. The Effects of Trust and Management Incentives on Audit Committee Judgments
  10. Attention to Evidence of Aggressive Financial Reporting and Intentional Misstatement Judgments: Effects of Experience and Trust
  11. The effects of multimedia-induced affective states on recall and decision-making by individual investors
  12. The effects of cognitive load on decision aid users