All Stories

  1. Long-term clinical and socio-economic outcomes following wrist fracture: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  2. Perceptions of Physical Activity Changes Due to COVID-19 Restrictions Among Women in the United Kingdom
  3. Exercise Interventions for Preventing and Treating Low Bone Mass in the Forearm: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
  4. Sex Differences in Recovery From Sprint Interval Exercise
  5. Opportunities and barriers that females face for study and employment in sport
  6. The Inaugural Women in Sport & Exercise Conference: Consensus Statement
  7. Introduction to The Exercising Female: Science and Its Application
  8. Bone health and the exercising female
  9. In-house, university-based work experience vs off-campus work experience
  10. Exercise as an adjunct treatment for postpartum depression for women living in an inner city—A pilot study
  11. The efficacy of core stability assessment as a determiner of performance in dynamic balance and agility tests
  12. Using lactate threshold to predict 5-km treadmill running performance in veteran athletes
  13. Lifestyle exercises for bone health and quality of life among premenopausal women
  14. Heart Rate–Based Training Intensity and Its Impact on Injury Incidence Among Elite-Level Professional Soccer Players
  15. The careers of sports graduates: Implications for employability strategies in higher education sports courses
  16. The Acute Effect of Upper-Body Complex Training on Power Output of Martial Art Athletes as Measured by the Bench Press Throw Exercise
  17. Effects of lifestyle exercise on premenopausal bone health: a randomised controlled trial
  18. Association between depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), physical activity and bone health
  19. Quantitative Ultrasound and bone's response to exercise: A meta analysis
  20. Toe and Earlobe Capillary Blood Sampling for Lactate Threshold Determination in Rowing
  21. A meta-analysis of brief high-impact exercises for enhancing bone health in premenopausal women
  22. The effect of menstrual cycle on 2000-m rowing ergometry performance
  23. The Combined Effect of Time of Day and Menstrual Cycle on Lactate Threshold
  24. Circadian rhythms in blood lactate concentration during incremental ergometer rowing
  25. A comparison of lactate concentration in plasma collected from the toe, ear, and fingertip after a simulated rowing exercise