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  1. A creativity stereotype perspective on the Bamboo Ceiling: Low perceived creativity explains the underrepresentation of East Asian leaders in the United States.
  2. Masks as a moral symbol: Masks reduce wearers’ deviant behavior in China during COVID-19
  3. Two large-scale global studies on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy over time: Culture, uncertainty avoidance, and vaccine side-effect concerns.
  4. Asians don't ask? Relational concerns, negotiation propensity, and starting salaries.
  5. The surprising underperformance of East Asians in US law and business schools: The liability of low assertiveness and the ameliorative potential of online classrooms
  6. Experiential learning of cultural norms: The role of implicit and explicit aptitudes.
  7. A social network perspective on the Bamboo Ceiling: Ethnic homophily explains why East Asians but not South Asians are underrepresented in leadership in multiethnic environments.
  8. Astrological Stereotypes and Discrimination in China