All Stories

  1. Key wording practices in three aphasia conversation groups: a preliminary study
  2. Communicative Accessibility in Aphasia: An Investigation of the Interactional Context of Long-Term Care Facilities
  3. Multilingual issues in qualitative research
  4. Investigating the use of appropriation in the writing of a child with autism: A case study
  5. Facilitating Authentic Conversation: an intervention employing principles of constructivism and conversation analysis
  6. Discriminant validity with a direct observational assessment system: Research with previously identified groups
  7. Theory and practice in action: The contributions of Michael Perkins to clinical linguistics
  8. Reading performance subsequent to aphasia: Strategies applied during authentic reading
  9. Advancing description and explanation in clinical linguistics: A legacy of Martin J. Ball
  10. Counseling and Aphasia Treatment
  11. Research report: Variations on the theme of avoidance as compensations during unsuccessful reading performance
  12. The Handbook of Language and Speech Disorders
  13. Dauertokolyse mit β2-Sympathikomimetika – Retrospektive Analyse an einem Zentrum
  14. Applying eye movement miscue analysis to the reading patterns of children with language impairment
  15. Avoidance strategies in an exceptional child during unsuccessful reading performances
  16. Exposed and embedded corrections in aphasia therapy: issues of voice and identity
  17. Overcoming unintelligibility in aphasia: The impact of non‐verbal interactive strategies
  18. Clinical Aphasiology
  19. Access and social inclusion in aphasia: Interactional principles and applications
  20. Management of Discourse in Group Therapy for Aphasia
  21. The use of conversational laughter by an individual with dementia
  22. Qualitative research in literacy acquisition: A framework for investigating reading in children with language impairment
  23. The negotiation of intelligibility in an aphasic dyad
  24. Interpreting problematic behavior: Systematic compensatory adaptations as emergent phenomena in autism
  25. Getting out of Procrustes' bed: The needs and benefits of qualitative research in stuttering
  26. Emerging Issues and Trends in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An Update for the Speech-Language Pathologist
  27. Owning Up to Complexity: A Sociocultural Orientation to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  28. Qualitative Research and Speech-Language Pathology
  29. Contributions of Qualitative Research to the Knowledge Base of Normal Communication
  30. The role of theory in clinical practice: Reflections on model building
  31. The conversational value of laughter for a person with aphasia
  32. A transcription toolkit: theoretical and clinical considerations
  33. The base layer and the gaze/gesture layer of transcription
  34. Intervention Outcomes
  35. A demonstration of the advantages of qualitative methodologies in stuttering research
  36. Partnership in conversation
  37. A Qualitative Study of Feedback in Aphasia Treatment
  38. Investigating the Interobserver Reliability of a Direct Observational Language Assessment Technique