All Stories

  1. Using Raman Spectroscopy for Characterization of Aqueous Media and Quantification of Species in Aqueous Solution
  2. Phytoextraction of Na + and Cl − by Atriplex halimus L. and Atriplex hortensis L.: A promising solution for remediation of road runoff contaminated with deicing salts
  3. Raman spectroscopy as polyvalent alternative for water pollution detection
  4. Spectroscopic Characterization of Urea Aqueous Solutions: Experimental Phase Diagram of the Urea–Water Binary System
  5. De-Icer Quantification and Phase Transition Detection by Raman Spectroscopy
  6. Transfer, Exchanges and Effects of Road Deicing Salts in a Detention Pond Treating Road Water
  7. Monitoring of Road Deicers in a Retention Pond
  8. Spectroscopic Appreciation of Road De-Icers in Soil and Water Samples
  9. Water-ice phase transition probed by Raman spectroscopy
  10. Experimental Study of NaCl Aqueous Solutions by Raman Spectroscopy: Towards a New Optical Sensor
  11. Optical Sensor for Characterizing the Phase Transition in Salted Solutions