All Stories

  1. Benefits and limits of peer support for mothers with intellectual disability affected by domestic violence and child protection
  2. Teacher assistants working with students with disability: the role of adaptability in enhancing their workplace wellbeing
  3. ‘She will know that her mother’s doing something for her’: women with intellectual disabilities assuming the mother identity
  4. “… but if you're afraid of things, how are you meant to belong?” What belonging means to people with intellectual disabilities?
  5. Research by and with people with intellectual disabilities
  6. Peer-reviewed articles on inclusive research: Do co-researchers with intellectual disabilities have a voice?
  7. Transitions for Students With Intellectual Disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder: Carer and Teacher Perspectives
  8. Schooling Transitions Within the Lifespan of People With an Intellectual Disability: Perceptions and Recommendations of Ageing Mothers