All Stories

  1. Quantifying the impact of vertical greenery systems (VGS) on Mediterranean urban microclimate during heat wave events
  2. Comparing ML Methods for Downscaling Near-Surface Air Temperature over the Eastern Mediterranean
  3. Residential greenness and lower breast and prostate cancer incidence: Evidence from a retrospective cohort study of 977,644 participants from Israel
  4. Toward Precision Agriculture in Outdoor Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS): Monitoring and Early Detection of Stress Events
  5. Early Detection and Analysis of an Unpredicted Convective Storm over the Negev Desert
  6. Thermal performance of vertical greenery systems (VGS) in a street canyon: A real-scale long-term experiment
  7. Improving WRF-Fire Wildfire Simulation Accuracy Using SAR and Time Series of Satellite-Based Vegetation Indices
  8. “Residential greenness and site-specific cancer: A registry based cohort of 144,427 participants with a 21-years of follow-up, Tel-Aviv district, Israel”
  9. Ground-truthing predictions of a demographic model driven by land surface temperatures with a weed biocontrol cage experiment
  10. Optimizing Top Dressing Nitrogen Fertilization Using VENμS and Sentinel-2 L1 Data
  11. Atmospheric conditions leading to an exceptional fatal flash flood in the Negev Desert, Israel
  12. Using Satellite Data to Optimize Wheat Yield and Quality under Climate Change
  13. The Impacts of Spatial Resolution, Viewing Angle, and Spectral Vegetation Indices on the Quantification of Woody Mediterranean Species Seasonality Using Remote Sensing
  14. Worldwide continuous gap-filled MODIS land surface temperature dataset
  15. The Synoptic Skill of AOD and Angstrom Exponent Levels over the Mediterranean Basin
  16. Referee #2 – point by point response
  17. Referee #3 – point to point response
  18. Referee #1 – point-by-point response
  19. Atmospheric Conditions Leading to an Exceptional Fatal Flash Flood in the Negev Desert, Israel
  20. Early prediction of wheat grain yield production from root-zone soil water content at heading using Crop RS-Met
  21. Characterization of Eastern Mediterranean dust storms by area of origin; North Africa vs. Arabian Peninsula
  22. Crop RS-Met: A biophysical evapotranspiration and root-zone soil water content model for crops based on proximal sensing and meteorological data
  23. Mean and variance of greenness and pregnancy outcomes in Tel Aviv during 2000–14: longitudinal and cross-sectional approaches
  24. Synoptic circulation impact on the near-surface temperature difference outweighs that of the seasonal signal in the Eastern Mediterranean
  25. Economic Assessment of Fire Damage to Urban Forest in the Wildland–Urban Interface Using Planet Satellites Constellation Images
  26. Seasonal and diurnal evaporation from a deep hypersaline lake: The Dead Sea as a case study
  27. Relationship between AOD and synoptic circulation over the Eastern Mediterranean: A comparison between subjective and objective classifications
  28. Effect of Water Surface Salinity on Evaporation: The Case of a Diluted Buoyant Plume Over the Dead Sea
  29. Predicting Heliothis (Helicoverpa armigera ) pest population dynamics with an age-structured insect population model driven by satellite data
  30. Diurnal Course of Evaporation From the Dead Sea in Summer: A Distinct Double Peak Induced by Solar Radiation and Night Sea Breeze
  31. Optimizing the Timing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Acquisition for Applied Mapping of Woody Vegetation Species Using Feature Selection
  32. Moisture transport by tropical plumes over the Middle East: a 30-year climatology
  33. Using ground observations of a digital camera in the VIS-NIR range for quantifying the phenology of Mediterranean woody species
  34. A biophysical approach using water deficit factor for daily estimations of evapotranspiration and CO<sub>2</sub> uptake in Mediterranean environments
  35. A biophysical approach using drought stress factor for daily estimations of evapotranspiration and CO<sub>2</sub> uptake in high-energy water-limited environments
  36. Genetic characterization of spotted fever group rickettsiae in questing ixodid ticks collected in Israel and environmental risk factors for their infection
  37. Relationships between climate, topography, water use and productivity in two key Mediterranean forest types with different water-use strategies
  38. High relative abundance of the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans is associated with lumpy skin disease outbreaks in Israeli dairy farms
  39. Annual evapotranspiration retrieved from satellite vegetation indices for the eastern Mediterranean at 250 m spatial resolution
  40. A Phenology-Based Method for Monitoring Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in Mediterranean Forests from NDVI Time Series
  41. Modeling insect population fluctuations with satellite land surface temperature
  42. Annual evapotranspiration retrieved solely from satellites' vegetation indices for the Eastern Mediterranean
  43. Supplementary material to "Annual evapotranspiration retrieved solely from satellites' vegetation indices for the Eastern Mediterranean"
  44. Olive Fruit Fly (Bactrocera oleae) Population Dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Influence of Exogenous Uncertainty on a Monophagous Frugivorous Insect
  45. The role of local land-use on the urban heat island effect of Tel Aviv as assessed from satellite remote sensing
  46. Plant-Soil Interactions and Desertification: A Case Study in the Northern Negev, Israel
  47. Rehabilitating degraded drylands by creating woodland islets: Assessing long-term effects on aboveground productivity and soil fertility
  48. Novel description of force of infection and risk factors associated with Theileria equi in horses in Israel and in The Palestinian Authority
  49. Demographic and Environmental Risk Factors for Exposure to Lawsonia intracellularis in Horses in Israel
  50. Satellite observations of land surface temperature patterns induced by synoptic circulation
  51. Detecting changes in biomass productivity in a different land management regimes in drylands using satellite-derived vegetation index
  52. Estimation of olive grove canopy temperature from MODIS thermal imagery is more accurate than interpolation from meteorological stations
  53. Satellite observations of turbidity in the Dead Sea
  54. The Dynamics of the Skin Temperature of the Dead Sea
  55. The Effect of Planting Techniques on Arid Ecosystems in the Northern Negev
  56. Continuous detection and characterization of the Sea Breeze in clear sky conditions using Meteosat Second Generation
  57. Demographic and environmental risk factors for infection by Theileria equi in 590 horses in Israel
  58. A knowledge-based prediction model of Verticillium wilt on potato and its use for rational crop rotation
  59. Prevalence of the symbiont Cardinium in Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) vector species is associated with land surface temperature
  60. Detection of Finescale Climatic Features from Satellites and Implications for Agricultural Planning
  61. Monitoring the evolution of cloud phase profile using MSG data
  62. Remote sensing of the Dead Sea surface temperature
  63. Clouds-Aerosols-Precipitation Satellite Analysis Tool (CAPSAT)
  64. A Satellite-Based Parameter to Monitor the Aerosol Impact on Convective Clouds
  65. The time-space exchangeability of satellite retrieved relations between cloud top temperature and particle effective radius
  66. A Night-Rain Delineation Algorithm for Infrared Satellite Data Based on Microphysical Considerations
  67. Satellite-Based Insights into Precipitation Formation Processes in Continental and Maritime Convective Clouds at Nighttime
  68. Satellite–Based Insights into Precipitation Formation Processes in Continental and Maritime Convective Clouds
  69. Estimation of Precipitation Area and Rain Intensity Based on the Microphysical Properties Retrieved from NOAA AVHRR Data
  70. Estimation of precipitation from space-based platforms