All Stories

  1. Collective Voice and Organizing in Digital Labour Platforms in Portugal
  2. Altenried, Moritz. The Digital Factory: The Human Labor of Automation
  3. Nas margens do emprego, no centro da pandemia: experiências de desproteção e vulnerabilidade social no Grande Confinamento*
  4. Pandemia, serviços públicos e trabalhadores vulneráveis em Portugal
  5. Precarious Work and Intermittent Life Trajectories in a Portuguese Gig Economy
  6. Call centre workers unite! changing forms of organisation and representation in the Portuguese and British Digital Economy
  7. Trade Unionism and Social Protest Movements in Portuguese Call Centres
  8. Fragmented occupational identities. A study on Portuguese and British contact centre workers
  9. Biografias Cybernéticas. Um estudo sobre as indústrias Portuguesas e Britânicas de Contact Centre