All Stories

  1. “It is still light outside”
  2. Woody Allen’s Manhattan
  3. ‘Think me cold, frozen, and impotent, and so report me?’: Volpone and His ‘Castrone’ Complex
  4. Introduction: Jonson and Comedy
  5. Jonson’s Comedy of Bastardy
  6. ‘For pleasing imitation of greater men’s action’: Nano the Anamorphic Ape
  7. Conclusion: ‘Fools, they are the only nation’: Rereading the Interlude and Beyond
  8. ‘The case appears too liquid’: The Two Sides of Androgyno
  9. The dis-orienting orients – a Lacanian reading of Philip Massinger's tragicomedy The Renegado
  10. Re-negotiating domesticating and foreignizing: bridgingThe SymposiumandNiezithrough the imagery of emptiness
  11. The Comedy of the “Para-site”: Duck Soup, Volpone, and Hamlet
  12. On comedy and death: the anamorphic ape in Volpone
  13. Translation in Ben Jonson: Towards a Definition of Imitation
  14. ‘To what base uses we may return, Horatio!’ —Hamlet, Comedy and Class Struggle
  15. Volpone's children