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  1. On a semiclassical model for ion-acoustic solitons in ultrarelativistic pair plasmas and its classical counterpart
  2. Relativistic theory for localized electrostatic excitations in degenerate electron-ion plasmas
  3. Pressure anisotropy effects on nonlinear electrostatic excitations in magnetized electron-positron-ion plasmas
  4. A Schamel equation for ion acoustic waves in superthermal plasmas
  5. Vlasov-kinetic computer simulations of electrostatic waves in dusty plasmas: an overview of recent results
  6. Corrigendum on Semiclassical relativistic fluid theory for electrostatic envelope modes in dense electron–positron–ion plasmas: Modulational instability & rogue waves
  7. Dust-acoustic shocks in strongly coupled dusty plasmas
  8. Multicomponent kinetic simulation of Bernstein–Greene–Kruskal modes associated with ion acoustic and dust-ion acoustic excitations in electron-ion and dusty plasmas
  9. Freak waves and electrostatic wavepacket modulation in a quantum electron–positron–ion plasma
  10. On the existence and stability of electrostatic structures in non-Maxwellian electron-positron-ion plasmas
  11. Dust-acoustic supersolitons in a three-species dusty plasma with kappa distributions
  12. Semiclassical relativistic fluid theory for electrostatic envelope modes in dense electron–positron–ion plasmas: Modulational instability and rogue waves
  13. Re-examining the Cairns-Tsallis model for ion acoustic solitons
  14. Ion-acoustic supersolitons in plasmas with two-temperature electrons: Boltzmann and kappa distributions
  15. Dynamics of dark hollow Gaussian laser pulses in relativistic plasma
  16. Electromagnetic rogue waves in beam–plasma interactions
  17. Dust-ion-acoustic supersolitons in dusty plasmas with nonthermal electrons
  18. Nonlinear dynamics of multidimensional electrostatic excitations in nonthermal plasmas
  19. Interaction of spatially overlapping standing electromagnetic solitons in plasmas
  20. Electrostatic supersolitons in three-species plasmas
  21. Nonlinear dust-acoustic solitary waves in strongly coupled dusty plasmas
  22. Dynamical characteristics of solitary waves, shocks and envelope modes in kappa-distributed non-thermal plasmas: an overview
  23. Superluminal electromagnetic solitary waves in electron-positron plasmas
  24. Oblique propagation of arbitrary amplitude electron acoustic solitary waves in magnetized kappa-distributed plasmas
  25. Electron-scale electrostatic solitary waves and shocks: the role of superthermal electrons
  26. Electrostatic shock dynamics in superthermal plasmas
  27. Note on the single-shock solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation
  28. Generation of a Purely Electrostatic Collisionless Shock during the Expansion of a Dense Plasma through a Rarefied Medium
  29. Fully kinetic simulation of ion acoustic and dust-ion acoustic waves
  30. Electron-acoustic solitary waves in the presence of a suprathermal electron component
  31. Large acoustic solitons and double layers in plasmas with two positive ion species
  32. Electrostatic solitary waves in the presence of excess superthermal electrons: modulational instability and envelope soliton modes
  33. Electrostatic waves in superthermal dusty plasmas: review of recent advancement
  34. Strong electrostatic interaction effect on modulational stability of dust acoustic waves
  35. Modulational Instability Of Dust Electron Acoustic Waves In Superthermal Dusty Plasmas
  36. Fully kinetic simulation of dust-ion acoustic waves: Landau damping and dust concentration effect
  37. Electromagnetic pulse compression and energy localization in quantum plasmas
  38. Spatial evolution of a q-Gaussian laser beam in relativistic plasma
  39. Shock creation and particle acceleration driven by plasma expansion into a rarefied medium
  40. Spatiotemporal evolution of high-power relativistic laser pulses in electron-positron-ion plasmas
  41. Electron beam–plasma interaction and ion-acoustic solitary waves in plasmas with a superthermal electron component
  42. Dust ion acoustic solitons in a plasma with kappa-distributed electrons
  43. Relativistic laser pulse compression in plasmas with a linear axial density gradient
  44. Oblique electrostatic excitations in a magnetized plasma in the presence of excess superthermal electrons
  46. Nonlinear modulation of ion-acoustic waves in two-electron-temperature plasmas
  47. Low-frequency electrostatic defect mode in doped pair-ion plasmas
  48. Laser pulse compression and amplification via Raman backscattering in plasma
  49. Electromagnetic beam profile dynamics in collisional plasmas
  50. Electromagnetic envelope solitons in magnetized plasma
  51. Comment on “Mathematical and physical aspects of Kappa velocity distribution” [Phys. Plasmas 14, 110702 (2007)]
  52. Discrete breathers in hexagonal dusty plasma lattices
  53. One-dimensional particle simulation of the filamentation instability: Electrostatic field driven by the magnetic pressure gradient force
  54. Arbitrary amplitude ion-acoustic solitary excitations in the presence of excess superthermal electrons
  55. Modulated transverse off-plane dust-lattice wave packets in hexagonal two-dimensional dusty plasma crystals
  56. Detailed analytical investigation of magnetic field line random walk in turbulent plasmas: II. Isotropic turbulence
  57. Solitary and blow-up electrostatic excitations in rotating magnetized electron–positron–ion plasmas
  58. Higher-order effects and ultrashort solitons in left-handed metamaterials
  59. Nonlinear Dynamics of Rotating Multi-Component Pair Plasmas and e-p-i Plasmas
  60. Discrete solitons and vortices in hexagonal and honeycomb lattices: Existence, stability, and dynamics
  61. Dust-acoustic wave modulation in the presence of superthermal ions
  62. Acoustic solitary waves in dusty and/or multi-ion plasmas with cold, adiabatic, and hot constituents
  63. Propagation regimes for an electromagnetic beam in magnetized plasma
  64. Evolution of linearly polarized electromagnetic pulses in laser plasmas
  65. On the existence of rarefactive solitons in dusty plasma lattices
  66. Discrete breathers and vortices in hexagonal dust crystals
  67. Localized excitations in dusty plasma crystals: A survey of theoretical results
  68. Localized electrostatic excitations and higher-order nonlinear effects in warm pair plasmas
  69. Large amplitude ion acoustic solitary waves in a plasma consisting of warm ions, twotemperature electrons and a cold electron beam
  70. Localized electrostatic excitations in e-p-i plasmas and fullerene pair ion plasma doped with dust defects
  71. Low frequency localized wavepackets in dusty plasmas with opposite charge polarity dust components
  73. Parametric study of nonlinear electrostatic waves in two-dimensional quantum dusty plasmas
  74. Erratum: “Nonlinear excitations in electron-positron-ion plasmas in accretion disks of active galactic nuclei” [Phys. Plasmas 14, 102901 (2007)]
  75. Random walk of magnetic field-lines for different values of the energy range spectral index
  76. Nonlinear excitations in Debye bi-crystals
  77. Nonlinear excitations in electron-positron-ion plasmas in accretion disks of active galactic nuclei
  78. Erratum: “Finite amplitude envelope solitons in a pair-ion plasma” [Phys. Plasmas 14, 032107 (2007)]
  79. Analytical description of stochastic field-line wandering in magnetic turbulence
  80. Generalized compound transport of charged particles in turbulent magnetized plasmas
  81. Existence of multisite intrinsic localized modes in one-dimensional Debye crystals
  82. Fully nonlinear ion-sound waves in a dense Fermi magnetoplasma
  83. Self-focusing and envelope pulse generation in nonlinear magnetic metamaterials
  84. A new theory for perpendicular transport of cosmic rays
  85. Finite amplitude envelope solitons in a pair-ion plasma
  86. Nonlinear perpendicular propagation of ordinary mode electromagnetic wave packets in pair plasmas and electron-positron-ion plasmas
  87. Nonlinear modulated dust lattice wave packets in two-dimensional hexagonal dust crystals
  88. Oblique modulation of electrostatic modes and envelope excitations in pair-ion and electron-positron plasmas
  89. Magnetization of left-handed metamaterials
  90. Instability and Evolution of Nonlinearly Interacting Water Waves
  92. Dust lattice wave dispersion relations in two-dimensional hexagonal crystals including the effect of dust charge polarization
  93. Modulational instability of dust acoustic waves in dusty plasmas: Modulation obliqueness, background ion nonthermality, and dust charging effects
  94. Instability and dynamics of two nonlinearly coupled laser beams in a plasma
  95. Modulated electrostatic modes in pair plasmas: Modulational stability profile and envelope excitations
  96. Nonlinear propagation of modulated ion-acoustic plasma waves in the presence of an electron beam
  97. Modulational instability in asymmetric coupled wave functions
  98. Stability of dust lattice modes in the presence of charged dust grain polarization in plasmas
  99. Parametric instabilities and localization of nonlinearly coupled electromagnetic modes in astrophysical dusty plasmas
  100. Nonlinearly coupled whistlers and dust-acoustic perturbations in dusty plasmas
  101. Linear and nonlinear dynamics of a dust bicrystal consisting of positive and negative dust particles
  102. Modulational instability criteria for two-component Bose–Einstein condensates
  103. Nonlinear propagation of electromagnetic waves in negative-refraction-index composite materials
  104. Dynamics of nonlinearly coupled magnetic-field-aligned electromagnetic electron-cyclotron waves near the zero-group-dispersion point in magnetized plasmas
  105. Modulational instability and localized excitations involving two nonlinearly coupled upper-hybrid waves in plasmas
  106. Erratum: “Envelope solitons associated with electromagnetic waves in a magnetized pair plasma” [Phys. Plasmas 12, 012319 (2005)]
  107. Nonlinear compressional electromagnetic ion-cyclotron wavepackets in space plasmas
  108. Modulated dust-acoustic wave packets in a plasma with non-isothermal electrons and ions
  109. Comment on “Dynamics in a Multicomponent Plasma near the Low-Frequency Cutoff”
  110. Exact theory for localized envelope modulated electrostatic wavepackets in space and dusty plasmas
  111. Low-frequency electromagnetic waves in a Hall-magnetohydrodynamic plasma with charged dust macroparticles
  112. Envelope solitons associated with electromagnetic waves in a magnetized pair plasma
  113. Modulated whistler wave packets associated with density perturbations
  114. Discrete breather modes associated with vertical dust grain oscillations in dusty plasma crystals
  115. Nonlinear Lagrangian theory of envelope electrostatic plasma waves in a two-electron-temperature plasma
  116. Lagrangian description of nonlinear dust-ion acoustic waves in dusty plasmas
  117. Weakly nonlinear vertical dust grain oscillations in dusty plasma crystals in the presence of a magnetic field
  118. Nonlinear modulation of transverse dust lattice waves in complex plasma crystals
  119. Modulated Wave Packets and Envelope Solitary Structures in Complex Plasmas
  120. Modulated wavepackets associated with longitudinal dust grain oscillations in a dusty plasma crystal
  121. Electron-acoustic plasma waves: Oblique modulation and envelope solitons
  122. Linear and nonlinear properties of Rao-dust-Alfvén waves in magnetized plasmas
  123. Complete Nonlinear Theory of Longitudinal-to-Transverse Dust Lattice Mode Coupling in a Single-Layer Dusty Plasma Crystal
  124. Oblique Amplitude Modulation of Dust-Acoustic Plasma Waves
  125. Weakly Nonlinear Effects Associated with Transverse Oscillations in Dusty Plasma Crystals
  126. Study of the intergrain interaction potential and associated instability of dust-lattice plasma oscillations in the presence of ion flow
  127. Modulational instability and localized excitations of dust-ion acoustic waves
  128. Plasma diffusion and relaxation in a magnetic field
  129. Kinetic Theory for a Test-Particle in Magnetized Plasma
  130. Fokker-Planck equation for a test particle weakly coupled to a magnetized plasma
  131. Thermal Generation and Mobility of Charge Carriers in Collective Proton Transport in Hydrogen-Bonded Chains