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  1. Psychometric testing of the facilitative student–patient relationship scale within six EUROPEAN countries
  2. A European evaluation of the patients’ role in clinical education: A six-country cross sectional study
  3. Nursing students’ perceptions on clinical learning environment and mental health: a multicenter study
  4. Percepciones de estudiantes de enfermería sobre el Ambiente de Aprendizaje Clínico y la salud mental: estudio multicéntrico
  5. Percepções de estudantes de enfermagem sobre o ambiente de aprendizagem clínica e saúde mental: um estudo multicêntrico
  6. Medication calculation skills of graduating nursing students within European context
  7. Health care professionals’ attitudes regarding patient safety: cross-sectional survey
  8. Health Care Professionals’ Knowledge Regarding Patient Safety
  9. Health care professionals’ skills regarding patient safety
  10. Healthcare professionals' knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding patient safety: a systematic literature review