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  1. Sources of nonreplicability in aging ethnoracial health disparities research.
  2. Linear and nonlinear relationships between cognitive subdomains of ability discrepancy and Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers.
  3. Refining the metamemory in adulthood questionnaire: a 20-item version of change and capacity designed for research and clinical settings
  4. What makes us busy? Predictors of perceived busyness across the adult lifespan
  5. The association between the number of chronic health conditions and advance care planning varies by race/ethnicity
  6. Cognitive reserve moderates older adults’ memory errors in an autobiographical reality monitoring task.
  7. Biological markers of aging and mental health: A seed and soil model of neurocognitive disorders
  8. Memory training for adults with probable mild cognitive impairment: a pilot study
  9. Individual differences in math anxiety and math self-concept promote forgetting in a directed forgetting paradigm
  10. The Relation Between White Matter Microstructure and Network Complexity: Implications for Processing Efficiency
  11. Beta-amyloid and Cortical Thickness Reveal Racial Disparities in Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease
  12. Discrepancies between Fluid and Crystallized Ability in Healthy Adults: A Behavioral Marker of Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease
  13. The Busier the Better: Greater Busyness Is Associated with Better Cognition
  14. Cortical amyloid burden and age moderate hippocampal activity in cognitively-normal adults
  15. The Synapse Project: Engagement in mentally challenging activities enhances neural efficiency
  16. Retrieval monitoring is influenced by information value: The interplay between importance and confidence on false memory
  17. Memory's aging echo: Age-related decline in neural reactivation of perceptual details during recollection
  18. Network complexity as a measure of information processing across resting-state networks: evidence from the Human Connectome Project
  19. Prior Math Familiarity Leads to Decreased Performance for Math-Anxious Individuals
  20. False memory and importance: Can we prioritize encoding without consequence?
  21. The Dynamic Aging Mind
  22. Impaired retrieval monitoring for past and future autobiographical events in older adults.
  23. Age-Related Differences in Prefrontal Cortex Activity during Retrieval Monitoring: Testing the Compensation and Dysfunction Accounts
  24. Illusory expectations can affect retrieval-monitoring accuracy.
  25. Quality trumps quantity at reducing memory errors: Implications for retrieval monitoring and mirror effects
  26. Age-related positivity effects and autobiographical memory detail: Evidence from a past/future source memory task
  27. Dissociating Source Memory Decisions in the Prefrontal Cortex: fMRI of Diagnostic and Disqualifying Monitoring
  28. Learning by analogy: Discriminating between potential analogs
  29. Separating past and future autobiographical events in memory: Evidence for a reality monitoring asymmetry
  30. Autobiographical elaboration reduces memory distortion: Cognitive operations and the distinctiveness heuristic.
  31. Discriminating Between Real and Simulated Autobiographical Events
  32. Decoupling the Distinctiveness Heuristic and Memorial Distinctiveness
  33. Illusory memory expectations can reduce false recognition errors
  34. Strategies for improving learning through increased support for structural comparisons
  35. Reducing False Memories in Younger and Older Adults With Autobiographical Elaboration
  36. Retrieval-Induced Forgetting in Phonologically Related Categories
  37. The benefit of being forgotten
  38. Autobiographical reality monitoring in aging: Contributions of recollection and metacognition
  39. Initiation and Effectiveness of Retrieval Monitoring Depends on Information Value