All Stories

  1. Facebook and the Fun of Drinking Photos: Reproducing Gendered Regimes of Power
  2. Precarious Popularity: Facebook Drinking Photos, the Attention Economy, and the Regime of the Branded Self
  3. Alcohol and social media: drinking and drunkenness while online
  4. ‘Drink a 12 box before you go’: pre-loading among young people in Aotearoa New Zealand
  5. University students' alcohol consumption and online drinking cultures
  6. Researching Online Visual Displays on Social Networking Sites: Methodologies and Meanings
  7. Social networking and young adults’ drinking practices: Innovative qualitative methods for health behavior research.
  8. ‘See it doesn’t look pretty does it?’ Young adults’ airbrushed drinking practices on Facebook
  9. Critiquing the heteronormativity of the banal citizen in New Zealand's mediated civil union debate
  10. Youth drinking cultures, social networking and alcohol marketing: implications for public health
  11. Theorizing Community as Discourse in Community Informatics: “Resistant Identities” and Contested Technologies
  12. Power to the People? Web 2.0, Facebook, and DIY Cultural Citizenship in Aotearoa New Zealand
  13. Community Informatics, Local Community and Conflict
  14. COMMUNITY INFORMATICS AND THE LOCAL STATE IN THE UK: Facilitating or assimilating an agenda for change?
  15. The Internet, Organisational Change and Community Engagement: The Case of Birmingham City Council1
  16. The European Union and the information society
  17. Ending Up Online
  18. Photos on Facebook: Their role in friendship and drinking cultures for New Zealand young adults