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  1. esDNN: Deep Neural Network Based Multivariate Workload Prediction in Cloud Computing Environments
  2. MI-GCN: Node Mutual Information-based Graph Convolutional Network
  3. Joint blockchain and federated learning-based offloading in harsh edge computing environments
  4. One Time-step Particle Smoothing for Radio Range-based Indoor Position Tracking
  5. Label-removed generative adversarial networks incorporating with K-Means
  6. An Efficient Application Partitioning Algorithm in Mobile Environments
  7. Deep compact discriminative representation for unconstrained face recognition
  8. Deep Learning Driven Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
  9. Learning deep discriminative face features by customized weighted constraint
  10. Channel pruning based on mean gradient for accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks
  11. Modeling the Local and Global Evolution Pattern of Community Structures for Dynamic Networks Analysis
  12. Scalable Similarity-Consistent Deep Metric Learning for Face Recognition
  13. Performance Modeling of Delayed Offloading in Mobile Wireless Environments With Failures
  14. Orientation Truncated Center Learning for Deep Face Recognition
  15. Exponential discriminative metric embedding in deep learning
  16. A secure and cost-efficient offloading policy for Mobile Cloud Computing against timing attacks
  17. Stochastic Analysis of Delayed Mobile Offloading in Heterogeneous Networks
  18. Convolutional neural network with nonlinear competitive units
  19. Multi-Objective Decision-Making for Mobile Cloud Offloading: A Survey
  20. Energy-Efficient Decision Making for Mobile Cloud Offloading
  21. Analysis of the Energy-Performance Tradeoff for Delayed Mobile Offloading
  22. An Optimal Offloading Partitioning Algorithm in Mobile Cloud Computing
  23. Software aging in mobile devices: Partial computation offloading as a solution
  24. Analysis of the Energy-Response Time Tradeoff for Delayed Mobile Cloud Offloading
  25. Analysis of the Energy-Response Time Tradeoff for Mobile Cloud Offloading Using Combined Metrics
  26. A step length estimation model for position tracking
  27. Analysis of mHealth Systems with Multi-cloud Computing Offloading
  28. Tradeoff Analysis for Mobile Cloud Offloading Based on an Additive Energy-Performance Metric
  29. Dynamic Transmission Scheduling and Link Selection in Mobile Cloud Computing
  30. Optimal Cloud-Path Selection in Mobile Cloud Offloading Systems Based on QoS Criteria
  31. Model-based performance analysis of local re-execution scheme in offloading system
  32. Tradeoff between performance improvement and energy saving in mobile cloud offloading systems
  33. Mobile Healthcare Systems with Multi-cloud Offloading
  34. Methods of cloud-path selection for offloading in mobile cloud computing systems
  35. Research of chaotic synchronization based on Lorenz mode
  36. Reducing PAPR based on constellation mapping & fast algorithm