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  1. A definition of the asymptotic phase for quantum nonlinear oscillators from the Koopman operator viewpoint
  2. Fast optimal entrainment of limit-cycle oscillators by strong periodic inputs via phase-amplitude reduction and Floquet theory
  3. Sparse optimization of mutual synchronization in collectively oscillating networks
  4. Spectral analysis of the Koopman operator for partial differential equations
  5. Phase-response analysis of synchronization for periodic flows
  6. Phase reduction and synchronization of a network of coupled dynamical elements exhibiting collective oscillations
  7. Erratum: Localization of Laplacian eigenvectors on random networks
  8. Optimizing mutual synchronization of rhythmic spatiotemporal patterns in reaction-diffusion systems
  9. Optimizing stability of mutual synchronization between a pair of limit-cycle oscillators with weak cross coupling
  10. Localization of Laplacian eigenvectors on random networks
  11. Phase-amplitude reduction of transient dynamics far from attractors for limit-cycling systems
  12. Phase reduction theory for hybrid nonlinear oscillators
  13. Optimization of noise-induced synchronization of oscillator networks
  14. Phase reduction approach to synchronisation of nonlinear oscillators
  15. Phase description of oscillatory convection with a spatially translational mode
  16. A criterion for timescale decomposition of external inputs for generalized phase reduction of limit-cycle oscillators
  17. Complex Ginzburg-Landau equation on networks and its non-uniform dynamics
  18. Linear Analysis of the Corticothalamic Model with Time Delay
  19. Phase-Reduction Approach to Synchronization of Spatiotemporal Rhythms in Reaction-Diffusion Systems
  20. Advection of passive particles over flow networks
  21. Noise-induced synchronization of oscillatory convection and its optimization
  22. Dispersal-induced destabilization of metapopulations and oscillatory Turing patterns in ecological networks
  23. A Theory on Noise-Induced Synchronization of Chaotic Oscillators
  24. Ginzburg-Landau Equations Reduced from Coupled Delay Differential Equations
  25. Enhancement of noise correlation for noise-induced synchronization of limit-cycle oscillators by threshold filtering
  26. Collective phase description of oscillatory convection
  27. Phase Reduction Method for Strongly Perturbed Limit Cycle Oscillators
  28. Phase ordering in coupled noisy bistable systems on scale-free networks
  29. Adjoint Method Provides Phase Response Functions for Delay-Induced Oscillations
  30. Persistent fluctuations in synchronization rate in globally coupled oscillators with periodic external forcing
  31. Phase Description of Stable Limit-cycle Solutions in Reaction-diffusion Systems
  32. Linear Analysis of the Corticothalamic Model with Time Delay
  33. 時間遅れを持つ皮質-視床モデルの実Ginzburg-Landau方程式への縮約
  34. Reduction Theories Elucidate the Origins of Complex Biological Rhythms Generated by Interacting Delay-Induced Oscillations
  35. Collective phase description of globally coupled excitable elements
  36. Optimal phase response curves for stochastic synchronization of limit-cycle oscillators by common Poisson noise
  37. Phase synchronization between collective rhythms of globally coupled oscillator groups: Noisy identical case
  38. Phase synchronization between collective rhythms of globally coupled oscillator groups: Noiseless nonidentical case
  39. Dynamics of Limit-Cycle Oscillators Subject to General Noise
  40. Synchronization of uncoupled oscillators by common gamma impulses: From phase locking to noise-induced synchronization
  41. Effective long-time phase dynamics of limit-cycle oscillators driven by weak colored noise
  42. Turing patterns in network-organized activator–inhibitor systems
  43. Collective-phase description of coupled oscillators with general network structure
  44. Stochastic Phase Reduction for a General Class of Noisy Limit Cycle Oscillators
  45. Diffusion-induced instability and chaos in random oscillator networks
  46. Experimental synchronization of circuit oscillations induced by common telegraph noise
  47. Self-organizing timing allocation mechanism in distributed wireless sensor networks
  48. Averaging approach to phase coherence of uncoupled limit-cycle oscillators receiving common random impulses
  49. Collective Phase Sensitivity
  50. Phase coherence in an ensemble of uncoupled limit-cycle oscillators receiving common Poisson impulses
  51. Noise-Induced Synchronization and Clustering in Ensembles of Uncoupled Limit-Cycle Oscillators
  52. Noise-induced turbulence in nonlocally coupled oscillators
  53. Universal finite-sample effect on the perturbation growth in chaotic dynamical systems
  54. Population Coding by Globally Coupled Phase Oscillators
  55. Reproducibility of a Noisy Limit-Cycle Oscillator Induced by a Fluctuating Input
  56. Synchrony of limit-cycle oscillators induced by random external impulses
  57. Independent Component Analysis of Spatiotemporal Chaos
  58. Synchrony of neural Oscillators induced by random telegraphic currents
  59. Statistics of rare strong bursts in autocatalytic stochastic growth with diffusion
  61. Multi-scaled turbulence in large populations of oscillators in a diffusive medium
  62. Multi-scaling properties of truncated Lévy flights
  63. Anomalous spatio-temporal chaos in a two-dimensional system of nonlocally coupled oscillators
  64. Multiaffine Chemical Turbulence
  65. Asymptotic power law of moments in a random multiplicative process with weak additive noise
  66. Scaling Properties in Large Assemblies of Simple Dynamical Units Driven by Long-Wave Random Forcing
  67. Power-law spatial correlations and the onset of individual motions in self-oscillatory media with non-local coupling
  68. Origin of Power-Law Spatial Correlations in Distributed Oscillators and Maps with Nonlocal Coupling