All Stories

  1. Identifying and Addressing Functional Communication Challenges in Patients With Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia
  2. Characterizing Speech Errors Across Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech Subtypes
  3. Erratum to “Comorbidity and Severity in Childhood Apraxia of Speech: A Retrospective Chart Review”
  4. The Apraxia of Speech Rating Scale: Reliability, Validity, and Utility
  5. Comorbidity and Severity in Childhood Apraxia of Speech: A Retrospective Chart Review
  6. Rate Modulation Abilities in Acquired Motor Speech Disorders
  7. Assessing Patients and Care Partner Ratings of Communication-Related Participation Restrictions: Insights From Degenerative Disease
  8. Characterizing anarthria to facilitate neurological diagnosis
  9. Assessing Change in Communication Limitations in Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia: A 1-Year Follow-Up Study
  10. Distinguishing Spastic and Dystonic Features in a Patient With a History of Brainstem Encephalitis: A Clinical Case Study
  11. Motor Speech Disorders and Communication Limitations in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
  12. A Longitudinal Evaluation of Speech Rate in Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech
  13. Communication Limitations in Patients With Progressive Apraxia of Speech and Aphasia
  14. Western Aphasia Battery–Revised Profiles in Primary Progressive Aphasia and Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech
  15. Clinical Progression in Four Cases of Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech
  16. Electroencephalography in primary progressive aphasia and apraxia of speech
  17. Neurogenic Orofacial Weakness and Speech in Adults With Dysarthria
  18. Effects of Age, Sex, and Body Position on Orofacial Muscle Tone in Healthy Adults
  19. Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech: Clinical Features and Acoustic and Neurologic Correlates
  20. Volumes of Discrete Sips From Straws of Varying Internal Diameters
  21. Specificity of Training in the Lingual Musculature
  22. Pediatric dysphaia preterm infants
  23. Neuromuscular Treatments for Speech and Swallowing